Built by a mad baron to bring notoriety to his town, only the brave or foolish would dare to enter Deathtrap Dungeon. Fabulous riches await the victor. Many adventurers have tried - none have come out alive… As Red Lotus, the alluring assassin, or Chaindog, the savage warrior, you must battle your way to the heart of the dungeon and slay...
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25. juni 1998

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Køb Deathtrap Dungeon

HK$ 47.00

Om dette spil

Built by a mad baron to bring notoriety to his town, only the brave or foolish would dare to enter Deathtrap Dungeon. Fabulous riches await the victor. Many adventurers have tried - none have come out alive…

As Red Lotus, the alluring assassin, or Chaindog, the savage warrior, you must battle your way to the heart of the dungeon and slay the great dragon, Melkor, mightiest of all the beasts of the underworld. If you succeed, gold and glory will be yours. If you fail, your sole reward is death.

A hellish horde of monsters await you in subterranean pits and passageways. A host of weapons, spells and charms are available - you will need them, for you are about to embark on a heart-stopping journey filled with brutal combat, deadly traps and the darkest magic.

• 38 massive levels
• 53 different AI controlled monsters
• 32 different weapons, spells and charms to find and use!


    • Styresystem *: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
    • Processor: 1.8 GHz Processor
    • Hukommelse: 512 MB RAM
    • Grafik: 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible with DirectX 9 recommended)
    • DirectX: Version 7.0
    • Diskplads: 2 GB tilgængelig plads
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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