A global hit RPG that captured the Summoners all around the world! Jump into the Sky Arena, a world under battle over the vital resource: Mana Crystals. Design your own deck and strategy using over 1,500 Monsters to claim victory. Go on an epic adventure with your Monsters!
Recenzii recente:
Echilibrate (166) - 69% din cele 166 recenzii ale utilizatorilor din ultimele 30 zile sunt pozitive.
Toate recenziile:
În mare parte pozitive (8,126) - 70% din cele 8,126 recenzii ale utilizatorilor pentru acest joc sunt pozitive.
Data lansării:
7 ian. 2024

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Joacă Summoners War


Despre acest joc

[Tactical RPG play]
Witness the dazzling display of each monster 's unique skills.
23 different Rune sets to pick and choose additional abilities for your monsters!
Come up with the best strategy to win battles in the Sky Arena .

[Endless Fun]
Decorate your Village, battle other summoners , explore dungeons , fight in PvP battles , expand your collection, train monsters , and more.

[The Key of Colletion RPG : Massive Collection]
Fire, Water, Wind, Light and Dark!
5 different attributes, and 1500 different monsters!
Collect as many monsters as you can and win battles with your own decks .

[Real-time Raid]
Battle as a team with your greatest monsters !
A real-time battle with 3 users!
Defeat the boss with your fellow Summoners using various tactics.

The Forbidden Summoning Magic has finally been revealed!
You can Evolve the skill of your choice with this special monster.
Summon Homunculus and show off your strategy in the Sky Arena .

[All about Turn-Based RPG : World Arena]
Enjoy a real-time battle with Summoners worldwide!
Experience a breathtaking battle that starts from Pick & Ban.
Reveal your unique strategy to the world and win battles .

[Guild Content]
A sensational Guild PvP battle in the Isle of Conquest!
Explore the Tartarus' Labyrinth and dungeons with Guild Members.
Make your Guild the greatest of all.

[Dimension Hole]
Fight against the ancient power emerged from a new dimension!
Defeat the Ancient Guardians and meet the powerful monsters with new awakening power.

Artifacts are now dropped with MAX power-up levels!
Summoners , fight against the powerful bosses and acquire Artifacts!
Enhance your monsters with various sub properties of Artifacts.

[Progression and Farming Structure Revamp]
Summoner progression structure renewed and content reward greatly improved!
Dive into Summoners War and experience the enhanced progression system!

Cerințe de sistem

    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO: windows10 (64bit)
    • Procesor: Intel Core i3
    • Memorie: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafică: NVIDIA GTX 460 or higher
    • DirectX: Versiune 11
    • Stocare: 10 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Placă audio: Onboard Audio or higher
    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO: windows10 (64bit)
    • Procesor: Intel Core i5
    • Memorie: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafică: NVIDIA GTX 660 or higher
    • DirectX: Versiune 11
    • Stocare: 10 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Placă audio: Onboard Audio or higher

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