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7 brugeranmeldelser - Flere anmeldelser krævet for at generere en score
15. dec. 2023

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Se hele I Commissioned Some-samlingen på Steam

Køb I commissioned some letters

HK$ 26.00

Om dette spil

A hidden object game where you must find all the letters and stamps to complete each level.

Key features:

🖼️ 15 Unique artworks
❓ 1500+ Hidden objects total
✉️ 750+ Letters
🌆 750+ Stamps
💡 ∞ Unlimited hints if you get stuck
♻️ Restore a small number of hidden objects to a painting so you can find them again!
🎵 Music and ambiance for each artwork
⌨️ Use your keyboard to move/zoom in if you have no scroll wheel
💾 3x save slots
🗑️ Reset progress entirely and play again
🕒 Timer included to show how long you took to complete each level


The brief was simple. I commissioned artists to create a fantasy world, and hide as many letters and stamps as they could inside it. Now it’s your job to find them all! With 15 art pieces to choose from, and 1500+ hidden objects, you will have a lot of searching to do.


Use your mouse to move around the image and zoom in / out. When you find a hidden object, click it and it will disappear. You can also use WASD to move and the arrow keys to zoom.


A full range of difficulty is included, but all levels start unlocked, your progress is saved as you play, and you can use hints if you get stuck.

Get immersed:

Each painting has its own music and ambiance to help you connect with the world, as you search for everything.


You can restore a small number of hidden objects back into a painting so you can find them again! It’s much harder when there are only a few hidden objects left (especially randomly). You can also use up to 3 save slots so you can replay without progress loss. Alternatively, you can reset your progress for the entire game if you’d like to start over.


    • Styresystem *: Windows 7
    • Hukommelse: 2 GB RAM
    • Diskplads: 100 MB tilgængelig plads
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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