Для запуску цього вмісту необхідно мати придбану в Steam копію Road 96: Mile 0.

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переважно схвальні (11) - 72% з 11 рецензій на цю гру є позитивними.
Дата виходу:
4 квіт. 2023

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Завантажуваний вміст

Для запуску цього вмісту необхідно мати придбану в Steam копію Road 96: Mile 0.

Придбати Road 96: Mile 0 - About a Girl

Придбати Road 96: Mile 0 – Stronger Together КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Містить товари (3 шт.): Road 96: Mile 0, Road 96: Mile 0 Soundtrack, Road 96: Mile 0 - About a Girl

HK$ 134.95

Про цей вміст

Road 96: Mile 0 - About a Girl” is an interactive eBook and a must-have for everyone who wishes to find out what happens to Zoe and other key characters in-between the two games. Indeed, this gamebook’s timeline picks up right after the conclusion of Road 96: Mile 0 and goes into the plot of Road 96.
You’ll get to experience new places in Petria, revisit events from a different angle such as the rave party and spend even more quality time with Jarod.
Dig further into all the disturbing truths Petria has a habit of hiding and join your quest for answers to Zoe’s and may you both find out what you seek.

How to Play
Start your adventure at Paragraph 1 and follow instructions when applicable. Each paragraph will send you to another one and will be indicated by a number in bold.

Before leaving White Sands, Zoe packed her bag with a few things as well as her roller skates. However, as you progress in your adventure you may be asked to add some items to your inventory.

You may be offered branching paragraphs based on your previous choices;

YOUR CHOICES MATTER, they impact your journey as well as your fate and others’.

Indeed, your choices may lead you to an early demise, should this be the case, two way-outs will be offered to you:

  • Either you go back to the paragraph indicated as a save point, in which case you will keep your inventory. This type of gameplay is recommended if you prefer to enjoy the story, and perhaps explore other branches in a subsequent readthrough.

  • Or you can start again from the beginning, in which case your inventory will be cleared. This type of gameplay is recommended if you are after a more “old-school” experience and devil-may-care players.

Ultimately you will never find yourself stuck in “Road 96: About a Girl” due to a wrong choice, or for lack of an item in your inventory. Just opportunities to try out different outcomes and unearth more secrets and lore in the process.

Please note that this eBook is only available in either English or French.

Системні вимоги

    • ОС: Windows 10
    • ОС: Windows 10

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