Your days are dreamless and mundane until, one night, you notice a star sparkling in the heavens. Suddenly, the beautiful gods of the stars appear before you. Their goal? To erase their sins. This exquisite, heartrending true love…all began with a sin.
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Tanggal Rilis:
21 Mar 2023

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Beli 恋してしまった星の王子 ~誓願院編~


Tentang Game Ini

This is a Steam title version of a hit story released on the mobile reader app Love 365: Find Your Story by Voltage Inc.

In Star-Crossed Myth, the heroine encounters beautiful gods of the heavens, each of them marked by sin. In this collection of romantic tales, she heals them of their sins and falls in love.
An opening movie and adventure feature have been added to the Steam release, so even players that have previously read the app version will discover more things to enjoy.

It all started with a sin... Your love story with the frighteningly beautiful gods of the stars.

The Story:
Your days are dreamless and mundane until, one night, you notice a star sparkling in the heavens.
Suddenly, the beautiful gods of the stars appear before you.
Their goal? To erase their sins. This exquisite, heartrending true love…all began with a sin.

God of Leo Leon
God of Cancer Karno
God of Aquarius Huedhaut
God of Taurus Teorus
God of Capricorn Aigonorus
God of Sagittarius Tauxolouve

Includes "Main Stories" in the App "Love 365: Find Your Story".
S1 Prologue
Main Story
His PoV
Sequel His PoV
Sequel Epilogue
Musings on Love
S2 Prologue
A Promise of Infinity
A Promise of Infinity His PoV

1) The following characters' "Musings on Love" are not included.
 Karno, Aigonorus, Krioff, Tauxolouve, Partheno

2) "A Promise of Infinity: His PoV" is only available in English

Deskripsi Konten Dewasa

Pengembang mendeskripsikan konten ini sebagai berikut:

Some stories may contain scenes of a sexual nature not suitable for all ages.

Persyaratan Sistem

    • Prosesor 64-bit dan OS diperlukan
    • OS: 10
    • Prosesor: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
    • Memori: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafis: DirectX 10 compatible video card
    • Penyimpanan: 1 GB ruang tersedia
    • Kartu suara: Windows compatible sound card
    • Prosesor 64-bit dan OS diperlukan
    • OS: 11
    • Memori: 8 GB RAM

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