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Dette indhold kræver grundspillet Cities in Motion 2 på Steam for at kunne spilles.

Alle anmeldelser:
Positive (15) - 86% af de 15 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
9. jan. 2014

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Dette indhold kræver grundspillet Cities in Motion 2 på Steam for at kunne spilles.

Køb Cities in Motion 2: Marvellous Monorails

HK$ 78.00

Køb Cities in Motion 1 and 2 Collection BUNDT (?)

Køb dette bundt for at spare 10% på alle 27 emner!

Din pris:
HK$ 1,123.20

Køb Cities in Motion 2 Complete Edition BUNDT (?)

Køb dette bundt for at spare 10% på alle 13 emner!

Din pris:
HK$ 601.20

Om dette indhold

Marvellous Monorails offers an all-new vehicle type to Cities in Motion 2. The monorail is a handy vehicle for innercity connections and works best in circular lines. The pack boasts five different monorail vehicles, from the slow but very large Toyoka Cybria City, to the super-fast but quite high maintenance Stern-Berger Mate.

An all new type of transportation! Monorails are a great choice for routes connecting different parts of the city. They are fast and attract a lot of passengers, and give your city a novelty look with their elevated rails. When a metro line is too expensive but you need a vehicle that is not affected by traffic, the monorail is your choice. Build circular lines for maximum efficiency and try all of the five different monorail vehicles to find just the right one for each line.

  • Ness Mono. Ness Mono is a sure favourite among passengers. It's very comfortable to ride and also fairly fast, so people get to their destinations quick and enjoyably.
  • Hana-Bi Challenger. Hana-Bi Challenger is very eco-friendly with its low energy consumption. It is also fairly attractive to passengers and quite sturdy, thus requiring less maintenance than most vehicles.
  • Toyoka Cybria City. The Cybria City from Toyoka factories is very reliable, if somewhat slow and not the first choice of many passengers. For long routes with many stops, this trooper is a good option.
  • Capitol Palm. The Palm is manufactured by Capitol factories. It's a fast, reliable vehicle, but not very energy conservative. Due to its speed, it's excellent on longer routes with few stops.
  • Stern-Berger Mate. When speed is what you want, Mate from Stern-Berger is your choice! Even though the Mate is small, it's very fast and attractive due to its modern design.

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