Sinner's Tavern is a roguelite platformer with procedural map generation focused on combat and interactions with quirky characters. Inspired by the Dante’s Inferno, help Oscar and his grandpa escape while they announce that Satan's tavern... is now open!
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Informazioni sul gioco

[Currently in development]

Oscar and his grandpa Gregorio are dragged to hell because a long time ago, the grandpa managed to deceive Satan himself. Together they will embark on a journey to take Oscar out of hell. A tavern, an old contract and... new friends? Follow Oscar and his grandpa in their misadventure through the 9 circles of hell.

Explore the Dante's inferno, fight against different types of demons and announce to the lost Sinners that... The tavern it’s now open!
Hit, dodge and jump in fast-paced gameplay against the demons!

Take care of your life bar! if it is depleted, Satan will preemptively return you to the Tavern. You can't die, but you'll have to start over. Not everything is lost! In Sinner's Tavern you will progress with each attempt. New items? New characters? New Blueprints? New Runes?

Satan is in charge of Sinner's Tavern, a place of gathering and rest. Talk and interact with him and all the lost sinners you encounter on your journey through hell.

Requisiti di sistema

SteamOS + Linux
    • Memoria: 600 MB di spazio disponibile
    • Memoria: 600 MB di spazio disponibile
    • Memoria: 600 MB di spazio disponibile
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