You will play a hexfinder in the employ of Queen Charlotte’s Anglican Church, tasked with seeking out the witches and warlocks (colloquially known as hexcrafters) who threaten her fair nation. A story-rich, text-based RPG, Hexfinder is a supernatural alt-historical adventure!
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Đăng nhập để thêm sản phẩm này vào danh sách ước, theo dõi, hoặc đánh dấu nó thành "đã phớt lờ"

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Về trò chơi này

It is 1650 in England. Five years have passed since Queen Charlotte I’s Royalists triumphed at the battle of Naseby. The parliamentary figureheads are dead, imprisoned, or scattered to the wind. Yet suspicion and paranoia still grip the nation. Hexfinder General Matthew Hopequins insists that hexcrafters and rebel exiles still plot the queen’s downfall. Others question the queen’s religious sympathies, and see Pontifex plotters around every corner. To the north, on the outskirts of Newcastle, a Royalist army sits in stalemate with Scottish forces.

You will play a hexfinder in the employ of Queen Charlotte’s Anglican Church, tasked with seeking out the witches and warlocks (colloquially known as hexcrafters) who threaten her fair nation. It is June, and the summer solstice approaches. Charlotte announces her intention to return to Oxford, her seat of power during the most turbulent years of the civil war. Assigned to investigate the Oxfordshire villages along the queen’s route of travel, you will begin to uncover signs of heretical treachery at the heart of your sovereign’s court.

Rumors abound that Oliver Cromwell cheated death at Naseby, sustained by diabolical and unholy sorceries…

  • Be a zealous scourge of all heresy, a cynic who’s merely in it for the coin, or take a more charitable view of the accused.
  • Pursue fame and prestige in Charlotte’s court through your deeds, and perhaps even catch her eye as a new favorite…
  • Uncover treachery within the queen’s own court (this traitor will change in different playthroughs!)
  • Or aid a parliamentary plot to bring down your monarch.
  • Keep hexcrafting at arm’s length, or risk the suspicion of your peers by embracing the arcane and occult.
  • Engage in thoroughly heretical smooching with four or five (depending on how ambitious I get this time!) different romantic partners.
  • Name your horse, and (if sufficiently gifted/deluded) maybe even have a good chat with them.
  • Wear a big black hat, like, all the time.

A story-rich, text-based RPG, Hexfinder is a supernatural alt-historical adventure!

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SteamOS + Linux
    Tối thiểu:
    • Yêu cầu vi xử lý và hệ điều hành đều chạy 64-bit
    • HĐH *: Windows 7
    Khuyến nghị:
    • Yêu cầu vi xử lý và hệ điều hành đều chạy 64-bit
* Bắt đầu từ 01/01/2024, phần mềm Steam chỉ hỗ trợ từ Windows 10 trở lên.
    Tối thiểu:
    • HĐH: 10.13
    Khuyến nghị:
      Tối thiểu:
      • HĐH: Ubuntu 20.04
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