Can you hold your focus while platforming through Zeebo's bizarre nightmare? Uncover his sad backstory in adventure mode and unlock 3 mechanics to race friends in PVP multiplayer to music by the awesome David Wise!
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À propos de ce jeu

99 Fails is a tight 2D precision platformer set in Zeebo's weird nightmare.

Wishlist if you liked Jump King, Celeste, Cuphead, Pizza Tower, Getting Over it!

  • A platforming game anyone can play, but very few can master!

  • Bizarre artful visions & monsters with music by David Wise!

  • Master three unique mechanics & race friends online to the finish!

  • Compete with everyone in an endless level online - there can be only one!

  • Challenge yourself by traversing 99 or 666 pillars with no checkpoints

  • Have friends & foes join as you feverishly race to the end with up to 4 players

  • Do daily challenges and be the first to find all collectibles

  • Play through 5 areas with checkpoints and unlock 3 addictive mechanics with just 99 lives

  • Learn about Zeebo's intriguing background story and the world of Neebota

  • After beating Adventure mode, ragequit Adventure+ mode with permadeath

  • Face the ultimate challenge 99 Fails has to offer - an endless playthrough

  • Compete with an endless amount of people in the same session

  • Win fame & glory by being number one during checkpoint events

Configuration requise

SteamOS + Linux
    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation : Windows
    • Processeur : i5
    • Mémoire vive : 8 GB de mémoire
    • Graphiques : 900 series
    • DirectX : Version 9.0
    • Espace disque : 10 GB d'espace disque disponible
    Recommandée :
    • Mémoire vive : 8 GB de mémoire
    • DirectX : Version 11
    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation : Linux/SteamOS
    • Processeur : Potato
    • Mémoire vive : 2 GB de mémoire
    • Graphiques : Potato
    • Espace disque : 3 GB d'espace disque disponible
    • Carte son : Potato
    • Notes supplémentaires : Potato?
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