Set in a minimalistic stylized universe, Minimum features fast-paced combat with an elaborate blueprint crafting system that pits two teams against each other with their own gigantic robotic Titan. Collect materials from fallen foes and build damaging weapons to become deadlier as matches progress.
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10. sep. 2014

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Af PayDay2 [ITALIA] 11. oktober 2015

“FPS Arena di cui non mi stanco mai di giocare. Nonostante la personaggi ed ambienti poligonali, grafica, luci ed effetti fantastici, da invidia.”

Bemærk: Minimum er ikke længere tilgængeligt i Steam-butikken.


“I didn't expect giant robots or MOBA elements to play a front-and-center role. But Minimum incorporates them in a way that feels new and authentic”

“From the first moment I got to sit down with Minimum...I knew I was going to be in for a treat”

“Minimum's solid mechanics make it a fun shooter”

Om dette spil

Are you a fan of old-school twitch shooters like Unreal Tournament and Tribes? What about team focused MOBAs like DotA and League of Legends? Would you like to play a game that combines elements of both genres while adding crafting, customization, giant robots and a bold new art style to the mix?

Of course you would, and Minimum is just the game you've been searching for!

Minimum focuses on fast-paced shooting fun and a robust system of in-match crafting, team objectives and customizable roles to create a rich and rewarding PvP experience. You'll find a bunch of interesting weapons to collect and customize, armor sets to mix and match, a solid core game mode known at TITAN MODE and more all wrapped up in a unique, minimalist artistic style that's more than the sum of its parts. Some of our coolest features include:

Customizable Weapons

Craft dozens of lethal weapons with unique abilities and roles to best fit your personal playstyles. Each weapon has 5 power levels that are activate during kill streaks, increasing your power making you a force to be feared. Be careful though: weapon power levels are lost upon death, so with great power comes great risk!

Blueprint Crafting System

Gather materials from fallen foes and defeated objectives to craft and upgrade armor sets over the course of a match. Each set of armor has different benefits and weaknesses that can emphasize your favorite playstyle or counter what your enemies are trying to do.

Titan Mode

Battle in epic matches centered on the your team's Titan, a giant, destructive robot that confronts the enemy's Titan. Players can power up their Titan by performing tasks in-game, can defend their mammoth ally by killing enemy players, and can attack enemy Titans directly. The teams compete until one side's Titan reaches the enemy base and destroys it!

5v5 Competitive Gameplay

Create cunning strategies with your teammates and define your unique role on the team by combining different weapons, armor and devices. Support your teammates weapons that increase drop rates for materials and powerups, defend your Titan with armor that grants additional health and survivability, scout enemy positions with weapon and armor that increase speed and allow for double or triple jumps, or simply go glass cannon and dish out as much damage as you can!

A Player-Focused Development Team

We want Minimum to be the most player-focused game on Steam! Join us on our Steam community discussion forums to talk shop, weigh in on new features, report bugs and balance problems or just chat. Minimum is a game that will evolve with its community, both while in Early Access and beyond.


    • Styresystem *: Windows 7 32-bit SP1
    • Processor: 2.0GHz
    • Hukommelse: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafik: DX10 compatible or better
    • DirectX: Version 10
    • Netværk: Bredbåndsinternetforbindelse
    • Diskplads: 1500 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: Windows-based sound card
    • Yderligere bemærkninger: Service pack one is REQUIRED for Minimum.
    • Styresystem *: Windows 7 64-bit SP1
    • Processor: 2.0GHz multi-core
    • Hukommelse: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafik: 1GB VRAM DX10 compatible
    • DirectX: Version 10
    • Netværk: Bredbåndsinternetforbindelse
    • Diskplads: 1500 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: Windows-based sound card
    • Yderligere bemærkninger: Service pack one is REQUIRED for Minimum.
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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