This "spaceship simulation roguelike-like" allows you to take your ship and crew on an adventure through a randomly generated galaxy filled with glory and bitter defeat.
Останні рецензії:
дуже схвальні (230) - 89% з 230 рецензій за останні 30 дн. є позитивними.
Усі рецензії:
виключно схвальні (58,546) - 95% з 58,546 рецензій на цю гру є позитивними.
Дата виходу:
14 верес. 2012

Увійдіть до акаунта, щоби додати цей продукт до списку бажаного чи позначити як ігнорований.

Рецензія куратора

Автор: Daddi Clan 18 червня 2018 р.

«This is a great single player game that you can enjoy if you only have thirty minutes or so. Great fun and fast action but is really only meant to be played casually.»

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Придбати FTL: Faster Than Light


HK$ 75.00
HK$ 22.50

Придбати FTL: Faster Than Light + Soundtrack

Містить товари (2 шт.): FTL: Faster Than Light, FTL: Faster Than Light - Soundtrack

FTL: Faster Than Light
FTL: Faster Than Light - Soundtrack


Придбати Subset Games Endless Decisions bundle КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Містить товари (2 шт.): FTL: Faster Than Light, Into the Breach

HK$ 135.90
HK$ 51.03

Про цю гру

FTL is now available in 9 languages! English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian and Simplified Mandarin!

The free expansion, FTL: Advanced Edition, is available now! Content additions include: new alien race, events, weapons, playable ships, drones, and more! Also adds additional musical tracks by Ben Prunty, and events by Tom Jubert and guest writer Chris Avellone.

If you already own FTL it should update the new content automatically. Advanced Edition is included free for anyone who purchases the game from this point forward.

In FTL you experience the atmosphere of running a spaceship trying to save the galaxy. It's a dangerous mission, with every encounter presenting a unique challenge with multiple solutions. What will you do if a heavy missile barrage shuts down your shields? Reroute all power to the engines in an attempt to escape, power up additional weapons to blow your enemy out of the sky, or take the fight to them with a boarding party? This "spaceship simulation roguelike-like" allows you to take your ship and crew on an adventure through a randomly generated galaxy filled with glory and bitter defeat.

Key Features:

  • Complex Strategic Gameplay - Give orders to your crew, manage ship power distribution and choose weapon targets in the heat of battle.
  • Play at Your Own Speed - Pause the game mid-combat to evaluate your strategy and give orders.
  • Unique Lifeforms and Technology – Upgrade your ship and unlock new ones with the help of six diverse alien races.
  • Be the Captain You Want - Hundreds of text based encounters will force you to make tough decisions.
  • Randomized Galaxy - Each play-through will feature different enemies, events, and results to your decisions. No two play-throughs will be quite the same.
  • No Second Chances! - Permadeath means when you die, there's no coming back. The constant threat of defeat adds importance and tension to every action.

Системні вимоги

SteamOS + Linux
    • OS *:Windows XP / Vista / 7
    • Processor:2 GHz
    • Memory:1 GB RAM
    • Graphics:1280x720 minimum resolution, OpenGL 2.0 Support, and recommended dedicated graphics card with 128 MB of RAM
    • Hard Drive:175 MB HD space
    Some integrated Intel HD graphics cards have been known to work but are not officially supported.
* З 1 січня 2024 року клієнт Steam буде підтримувати лише Windows 10 чи новіші версії цієї ОС.
    • OS:Mac OS X 10.6 or above
    • Processor:Intel 2 GHz
    • Memory:1 GB RAM
    • Graphics:1280x720 minimum resolution, OpenGL 2.0 Support, and recommended dedicated graphics card with 128 MB of RAM
    • Hard Drive:175 MB HD space
    • OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, fully updated
    • Processor: 2 GHz
    • Memory: 1GB RAM
    • Graphics: 1280x720 minimum resolution, OpenGL 2.0 Support
    • Hard Drive: 175 MB HD space

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