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Local party or single player game about teamwork and killing with forbidden items!
Alle anmeldelser:
Positive (26) - 84% af de 26 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
26. aug. 2022

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Køb Among Ass: Trilogy

HK$ 7.00

Beskrivelse af voksenindhold

Udviklerne beskriver indholdet således:

The game contains scenes of a light sexual nature.


Om dette spil

Play with 1-4 players locally as you try to get your spaceship ready for departure, but be careful as one or more of the players on the team are bad asses looking to kill everyone!

Your Spaceship is broken and you need to fix it. And in the tradition of classic space horror movies, the ship will have an unfriendly life form. Your goal will be to repair the spaceship in the allotted time, otherwise it will explode and you will lose!

*A great opportunity to customize the match, as well as the ability to add up to 20 bots!
*Character customization, where you can choose a color or appearance, as well as one of many hats
*Choose from 10 available skills that will help you survive longer or hurt your enemy when you die
*You can save or harm with the help of doors by closing them in front of the enemy or in advance for a trap
*Local multiplayer up to 4 players
*Ability to play through the "Steam Remote Play" online!
*Presets with unique and insane game settings
*Gachi Mode is back


    • Styresystem *: Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista / 7 or higher
    • Processor: Dual Core 2.0 GHz or higher
    • Hukommelse: 256 MB RAM
    • Grafik: Compatible with DirectX 8.1
    • DirectX: Version 8.1
    • Diskplads: 100 MB tilgængelig plads
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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