Star Vortex is an Action-RPG inspired by classics like Diablo 2. Design your ship, fight your way through hostile alien sectors, upgrade as you salvage rare weapons and experiment with different builds until nothing can stand against you.
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Data lansării:
Trim. II 2025

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De PLAY / DON'T PLAY 15 decembrie 2024


În curând în acces timpuriu

Dezvoltatorii acestui joc intenționează să-l lanseze ca un proiect în curs de dezvoltare, care va evolua pe baza feedbackului primit de la jucători.

Notă: jocurile aflate în acces timpuriu nu sunt complete și se pot schimba sau nu pe viitor. Dacă nu ești dornic să joci acest titlu în stadiul său actual, atunci ar trebui să aștepți pentru a vedea dacă jocul va ajunge într-un stadiu mai avansat al dezvoltării. Află mai multe

Ce au de spus producătorii:

De ce Acces Timpuriu ?

„Some of the biggest improvements to the game have come from player feedback. As a solo-developer working on a project for so long you become blind to parts of it. Early access is a chance to get more players to experience the game and tell me how to improve it and what I should be focusing on.”

Aproximativ cât timp se va afla acest joc în Acces Timpuriu?

„Early access will begin in Q2 2025 and will likely last a year or more. The scope for new features and content is limitless and I'd like to make Star Vortex as good as it can be. I have no idea what the future may hold but I do maintain a roadmap of my plans on our Discord.”

Ce diferențe vor fi între versiunea completă, finală și cea aflată în Acces Timpuriu?

„I can't even begin to predict the changes that will come. It certainly feels like I'm not in the driver's seat at times. I'd love to have full mod support, multiplayer, endless content, deep crafting and a host of other things before we release to 1.0.”

Care este starea actuală a versiunii aflate în Acces Timpuriu?

„The core gameplay loop is there and it's fun to play. The ship designer is completely finished and allows for a lot of creativity. More features and content are planned in the roadmap and feedback is always welcome.”

Va avea jocul aflat în Acces Timpuriu un preț diferit față de versiunea finală?

„It might be adjusted for inflation, the economy is unpredictable but I'd never charge more than I thought it was worth.”

Cum dorești să implici comunitatea în procesul tău de dezvoltare?

„This is literally the only reason I'm going in to Early Access so get on our Discord or post to our Discussions page all your thoughts and feedback!”
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Acest joc nu este încă disponibil pe Steam

Dată de lansare planificată: Trim. II 2025

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“Cool art-style with solid controls. Awesome combat and a whole lot more. Cool ship building, lots of sectors to explore, skills and upgrades and more! Very shocked in the amount of fun this game is.”
8/10 – Explore Build Craft Survive


Despre acest joc

Star Vortex is a top-down ARPG space shooter that follows the formula of classic titles such as Diablo 2. Humanity is fighting wars on all fronts. Suddenly a new threat appears out of nowhere and begins attacking the human forces. Earth must be warned about this new danger and it is up to you to escort the mothership back home to deliver the unsettling news.

You play as a pilot of a fighter ship who must venture out into the space sector to find the gateway keys that will allow the mothership to reach Earth. Throughout your journey, you will gain experience allowing you to level up and upgrade your ship from a small frigate to a massive battleship while collecting equipment that synergizes with your build and playstyle. Explore randomly generated sectors fighting elite enemies and bosses then work your way up through difficulties.

Along with creating an ultimate build to match your playstyle and searching for the best equipment you can visit the shipyard on the mothership to design your perfect ship. Starting with a small frigate, as you gain experience and level up, you can increase the size of your ship, from a small fighter to a destroyer to a cruiser and finally a huge battleship.

Unlock new weapon and equipment slots allowing you to increase the total number of weapons and equipment that you can use at one time. From lasers to projectile weapons to rocket launchers and automatic turrets, the possibilities are endless as to how you fit your ship.

Every aspect of the ship is available for you to design. From its appearance to the placement of the weapons and equipment slots, you are free to design your ship how you see fit. Save your favourite creative designs and share them with friends and the community, with a ship design import and export option.

Randomly generated sectors make every game different but your navigation system will help you plot your course. How you tackle your exploration of a sector is your decision to make. Do you take charge and head directly for the boss or do you take your time and explore levelling up? Perhaps you will take a detour to scavenge for rare and legendary upgrades and equipment. The choice is yours, but danger lurks in every system.

Not all systems are the same, some contain environmental dangers such as heat which without protection will cause your ship to burn, or corrosion that will damage your ship over time. There is also the threat, where the invaders can attack without warning. All could be peaceful as you collect the spoils of battle only to suddenly, be invaded by this strange new and relentless enemy. You must always be alert and prepared, as with great rewards come great risks.

Put your equipment, upgrades, and skills to use and lay waste to your enemies throughout your journey. As you travel through each sector you will find yourself in skirmishes with small groups, rescuing and escorting stranded pilots, intercepting enemy convoys, entering warzones and coming face to face with mighty elites and gigantic bosses.

Each race and faction has its strengths and weaknesses and you must adapt and adjust your equipment to give yourself the advantage. Equip greater heat resistance and non-heat weapons against the fiery Junkers or corrosion resistance against the mysterious Outcasts. Your ability to adapt will make the difference between survival or death.

  • A versatile ship designer allows you to get creative and construct your perfect ship from a vast array of parts, choosing colors and slot placements as you wish.

  • Constant progression grants the unlocking of bigger ships and more weapon and equipment slots as you level up your pilot.

  • Three large upgrade trees where players can create the perfect build to suit their play style.

  • A deep and complex item system, with many possible builds and synergies to discover.

  • A huge array of weapons to use against your foes such as lasers, homing missiles, energy pulses, time dilation, drones, cloaking fields, grapple guns, tesla coils and much more.

  • Procedurally generated sectors to explore, which make every game vastly different from the last.

  • Various difficulty settings to suit all skill levels and a Hardcore Mode for those looking for the ultimate challenge.

Play how you want to play with a huge array of settings. Controls are fully customizable allowing keyboard only, keyboard and mouse, controller, or steam deck.

The game will be in development and updated for a long time and is made by a single person, myself. If you'd like to influence the future direction of the game come join us on Discord.

As a final note, I've tried hard to incorporate as much accessibility into my design as possible. If my efforts do not meet expectations please reach out to me on Discord so I can rectify this.

Cerințe de sistem

    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO *: Windows 7 (SP1+), Windows 10 and Windows 11
    • Procesor: 2.0 Ghz
    • Memorie: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafică: Intel HD 4000
    • DirectX: Versiune 9.0
    • Stocare: 2000 MB spațiu disponibil
    • Placă audio: Yes
    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO *: Windows 7 (SP1+), Windows 10 and Windows 11
    • Procesor: 2.0 Ghz Dual Core CPU
    • Memorie: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafică: Any GPU with 256mb Memory
    • DirectX: Versiune 9.0
    • Stocare: 3000 MB spațiu disponibil
    • Placă audio: Yes
* Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, clientul Steam va fi compatibil numai cu Windows 10 și versiunile ulterioare.
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