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The Bugs Manor is a free 2D pixel art horror game. Explore a cursed mansion, hide from scary monsters, and solve puzzles with an inventory-free gameplay, focused on direct interactions with the environment. Can you survive your first night in this haunted house and uncover its mysteries?
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Planlagt udgivelsesdato: 2025

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Om dette spil

The Bugs Manor is a free top-down 2D pixel art horror game. Explore a cursed mansion, hide from scary monsters, and solve puzzles with an inventory-free gameplay focused on direct interactions with the environment.

The haunted house is full of dangerous creatures, you will need to use the stealth and your wits to escape, but be careful, because if you fail, a bloody death waits for you.

Can you overcome the enigmatic challenges of the manor? Solve multiple puzzles through inventory-free gameplay. This allows you to interact directly with the environment and items without the interruption of annoying menus.

Uncover the dark secrets of the evil Bugs home and its numerous rooms. Follow the story of Danny, a kid who has just moved into the house and is spending his first night there alone. But maybe he's not as alone as he believes...
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