1.0 OFFICIAL RELEASE OUT NOW - FREE! - wacky & competitive baseball game! 🦌 Unlock over 100+ different animals to assemble your team, each with different attributes 🐂 Crush hits into the gap, throw nasty curveballs, make diving plays in the outfield, and bust out slides to breakup close plays 🦅
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13. apr. 2024

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Af VaLLey GAME 29. januar

“I’ve got some gun boots to fire off so I can get to the bottom of this well”

Spil Yerr Out



Yerr Out official release is now live! ⚾

New features include:
-6 brand new fields
-over 100 animals to unlock
-minigames, practice modes, and a story mode

Stay tuned for upcoming seasonal events and challenges

Join the Discord for the latest news and chatter

Om dette spil

Inspired by the game of baseball, Yerr Out is a barnstormin' good time out on the ballfield. Choose from 30 different animals to assemble your team. Each character has different attributes which are categorized by STRENGTH, SPEED, AGILITY, TECHNIQUE

🎮 Controls are responsive and easy to learn. Crush hits into the gap, throw nasty curveballs, make diving plays in the outfield, and bust out slides to breakup close plays.
NOTE: controller highly recommended

In Yerr Out, there is no need for foul balls or tagging up. Put the ball in play and see what happens! Lots of opportunities for aggressive baserunning and slick fielding. And of course, intense pitcher vs batter matchups

🎵 Derek & Brandon Fiechter are providing the soothing soundtrack from their album Africa

🔊 DGreen and Casey created some awesome bites for the SFXs


    • Styresystem: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
    • Hukommelse: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafik: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 or equivalent
    • Diskplads: 1 GB tilgængelig plads

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