Calling all Bounty hunters! Akumi Wars is a turn-based RPG. Build your own party of irresponsible misfit heroes and delve into an epic world story with the ultimate goal of... avoiding needing to work retail. Armed with guns, magic, and a distracting amount of leg, hop on your ship for adventure!
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Positive (47) - 93% af de 47 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
13. feb. 2024

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Køb Akumi Wars

HK$ 95.00

Om dette spil

A playfully absurd turn-based RPG!

Akumi's putting together a crew for the biggest, riskiest, and most treasure-filled gig of her life. Want in?

Calling all Bounty Hunters

Build your own party of irresponsible misfit heroes and delve into an epic world story with the ultimate goal of... avoiding needing to work retail. Armed with guns, magic, and a distracting amount of leg, hop aboard your spaceship for adventure.

Form your unique team

Mix & match skills from the comfort of your spaceship's hanger.

Turn Based Combat

Assemble your crew and whoop some baddies in fun & fast combat.

Villains that are almost as bad as the Heroes

Big bounties await! Those villains aren't gonna bring themselves in. And worse... if they do, you won't get paid.

A story of high (and very low) adventure

Akumi's path is fraught with unusual creatures, supernatural horrors, and friendships that will last (a very short) lifetime.

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Join us as we finish Akumi Wars. Keep your eyes on the news here for the latest and be sure to follow and wishlist. It is the best way to help us get the word out there about what we are building.


    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
    • Styresystem: Windows 10 and above
    • Processor: 1.2 GHz
    • Hukommelse: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafik: 512 MB
    • Diskplads: 2 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
    • Styresystem: Windows 10 and above
    • Processor: 2 GHz
    • Hukommelse: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafik: 1 GB
    • Diskplads: 2 GB tilgængelig plads

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