SHOOTER LEAGUE is a multiplayer first-person shooter with a basketball twist! Shoot the ball in the hoop to score points and win! Choose one of many different champions with each their own abilities, use your gun or abilities to attack players! Use your FPS skills to make perfect passes and blocks!
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Acerca deste jogo

Play Basketball Using your Aim!

Play a very fast-paced team-base online multiplayer videogame where your aim will be important to defend and score points! You will be able to attack players with your gun or abilities! Compete against other players and gain rank points to reach new ranks!

Score 3 Point Baskets!

You can score 3 point baskets! aim to the basket! jump and charge the power of your shot base on the distance to the basket!

Unique Robots With Unique Abilities

Choose a robot base on your play-style, each robot has their own abilities, do super jumps, dash in the air, create nuclear explosions!, freeze players, trap players in a cage and even more abilities!

Gain Attack Shots Base on Your Performance!

Scoring, blocking and even getting rebounds it's going to help you to get an attack shot, you can hack players, shock them or stealing the ball with these, they have unlimited range, and they can help you to get a speed ability!

Super Speed

Hitting a rival with your gun with attack shots twice will give you super speed, when super speed is activated your aim accuracy also is improved!


You can equip 2 battlecards , this ones are passive abilities, equip 2 base on your play-style, improve the posibilities of getting a steal attack shot or hack attack shot, reset your smart pass every time you dunk, be able to get super speed with only 1 hit etc, this ones are some examples of battlecards

Smart Pass

The smart pass wil give you the posibility of sending the ball to another team-mate super quickly! This will make a more team base gameplay where defending will be harder because of passing. Make sure your rival is not free to receive the ball!

NOTE - No bugs were harmed during the development of the game!

Requisitos do Sistema

    • Requer um sistema operativo e processador de 64 bits
    • Sistema Operativo *: Windows 7 64-bit or later
    • Processador: 3.0+ GHz Quad core
    • Memória: 4000 MB de RAM
    • Placa gráfica: gtx 750 ti or better
    • Rede: Ligação à Internet de banda larga
    • Espaço no disco: Requer 13000 MB de espaço livre
    • Requer um sistema operativo e processador de 64 bits
    • Sistema Operativo *: Windows 7 64-bit or later
    • Processador: 3.0+ GHz Quad core
    • Memória: 8000 MB de RAM
    • Placa gráfica: gtx 970 or better
    • Rede: Ligação à Internet de banda larga
    • Espaço no disco: Requer 13000 MB de espaço livre
* A partir de 1 de janeiro de 2024, a aplicação Steam irá apenas funcionar no Windows 10 e em versões mais recentes.
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