Shape worlds with your godly titans. Make symbiotic ecosystems and inspire humanity with your creations. Their achievements unlock new possibilities. Make different planets for different human spirits, and fill the universe with life!
Legutóbbi értékelések:
Nagyon pozitív (39) - 39 felhasználói értékelésből 94% pozitív az utóbbi 30 napban.
Minden értékelés:
Rendkívül pozitív (1,690) - E játék 1,690 felhasználói értékeléséből 95% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2024. máj. 28.

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Nézd meg a teljes Firesquid gyűjteményt a Steamen.
A Magyar nyelv nem támogatott.

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Reus 2 vásárlása

HK$ 156.00

Reus 2 - Complete edition vásárlása CSOMAG (?)

2 elemet tartalmaz: Reus 2, Reus 2 - Ice Age

HK$ 187.20

Reus 2 - Supporter Edition vásárlása CSOMAG (?)

2 elemet tartalmaz: Reus 2, Reus 2 - Supporter Pack

HK$ 187.20

Reus Bundle vásárlása CSOMAG (?)

2 elemet tartalmaz: Reus 2, Reus

HK$ 207.90


A játékról

Become a God once again in Reus 2 by taking control of mighty giants whose command over their elements allows you to shape worlds, create an ecosystem of resources and enable human civilizations to thrive. Your choices will determine the fates of these fragile human beings, whose autonomy may lead them to great heights.

Shape worlds with Giants

Utilize a roster of 6 powerful Giants, each with their own unique abilities over plants, animals and minerals that will allow you to create new biomes for humans to settle their villages. As you progress, gain inspiration to unlock more skills for your Giants, providing you with a diversity of choices.

Relationships and disasters

With the !New Cataclysm update!, you can choose to take on more optional challenges. Leaders can now form relationships with Giants and each other based on their personality, become allies through trade or go to war. Humanity can also turn against your giants, sending out Giant Hunters to destroy them! Punish them with disastrous new powers, using the elements to teach them to respect the gods.

Create thriving ecosystems

Terraform a variety of biomes, strategically build up different combinations of flora, fauna and materials specific to those environments. By experimenting, discover which combinations create the best synergies for the inhabitants' needs and goals, leading you into exciting new eras of their existence.

Lead humanity into the future

Shape the development of humanity with your choices as they evolve from early human societies to modern civilizations. Whether it's travelling to the stars as space explorers, starting a cult or wishing to cultivate nature, they will all have their goals. No matter the outcome, remember, you can always start a new humanity.

Fill a galaxy with life

Each playthrough leaves a lasting legacy in the stars by generating a new planet for you to experiment with. Fill the galaxy with endless variations of life and be inspired to take a new path with your next creation.

This game is supported by Creative Industries Fund NL


    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Processzor: AMD FX-4130 Quad-Core / Intel Core i3-4130
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: GeForce GTX 950 Ti / Radeon HD 7750
    • DirectX: Verzió: 10
    • Tárhely: 6 GB szabad hely
    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Processzor: Ryzen 7-1700X / Intel Core i7-4770
    • Memória: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafika: Radeon RX 580 / GeForce GTX 1060
    • DirectX: Verzió: 11
    • Tárhely: 6 GB szabad hely

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