Godshard Chronicles is a top-down action RPG based in the Godshard novels universe with music by famed composer Noriyuki Iwadare. Inspired by titles such as The Legend of Zelda, Grandia, and the Mana series. Fight in action-packed battles and explore a sprawling world either solo or with a friend!
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Bu Oyun Hakkında

Godshard Chronicles is a top-down action RPG based in the world of the Godshard series of novels. Inspired by the likes of Lunar: Silver Star Story, the Mana series, and the Zelda series, Godshard Chronicles combines exciting action combat together with a meaningful storyline choices and a beautiful musical score!

Join Adanna and Ruby as the pair progress through the ranks of Mana Knights and chase down Adanna's lost father while discovering the mysteries behind the titular Godshard. Adventure in the world solo, or bring along a friend in local drop in/out co-op!


Journey forth into a sprawling, beautiful fantasy world with a 16-bit/32-bit touch. Explore the extent of our colourful overworld, eerily beautiful caves, and lively towns and cities.

Fast-Paced and Seamless: Our real-time combat system leaves no pause in the action, even during spellcasting, special attacks, and item use! Easy-to-learn controls makes the gameplay accessible for anyone. Even a beginner can pick up a controller and play without the need for a drawn-out tutorial, yet there will be enough depth and customisation to suit veterans.

Two-Player Co-op and Character Swapping. RPGs should be enjoyed by more than one active participant. In our game, co-op will be available from the very beginning. Players will share the same screen, and Player 2 can drop in or out anytime by connecting/disconnecting a second controller!

Journey with a pair of Mana Knights to save the realm and uncover the secrets of the Godshard. In addition to the main quest, players can defeat hidden bosses, find secrets and collectables, and take on side quests.

Cinematic animated cutscenes created by Japanese Studio Tonari Animation with professional voice acting to enhance the story. We have actors such as John Truitt, Carli Fish, Bethan Bevan, Thomas Mitchells, and more! Furthermore, we have music by Noriyuki Iwadare (Lunar & Grandia series), Kumi Tanioka (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles), and Michiko Naruke (Wild Arms series) to enhance the storytelling.

Sistem Gereksinimleri

    • İşletim Sistemi *: Windows 7 or Later
    • İşlemci: AMD E-350 or Intel i3 3220
    • Bellek: 2 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: Radeon HD 6310
    • Depolama: 1 GB kullanılabilir alan
* Steam istemcisi, 1 Ocak 2024'ten itibaren yalnızca Windows 10 ve üstünü destekleyecektir.
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