Become a Power Pal and help the team save their children from the evil Blitterbom. Power Pals is an arcade style platformer with a cute family friendly atmosphere. Play through increasingly difficult levels as one of the 5 Power Pals.
Minden értékelés:
4 felhasználói értékelés - Pontszám generálásához több felhasználói értékelés szükséges
Megjelenés dátuma:
2021. aug. 27.

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Power Pals vásárlása

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64 elemet tartalmaz: Power Pals, Grav Blazer, Professor Watts Word Search: Into The Ocean, Professor Watts: Memory Match, Trivia Vault: Mixed Trivia, Trivia Vault: Science & History Trivia, Trivia Vault: Super Heroes Trivia, Trivia Vault: 1980's Trivia, Trivia Vault: Classic Rock Trivia, Trivia Vault: 1980's Trivia 2, Trivia Vault: Classic Rock Trivia 2, Trivia Vault: Science & History Trivia 2, Grav Blazer Squared, Trivia Vault: Super Heroes Trivia 2, Trivia Vault: Mini Mixed Trivia, Trivia Vault: Mini Mixed Trivia 2, Trivia Vault: Mini Mixed Trivia 3, Trivia Vault: Mini Mixed Trivia 4, Trivia Vault: Video Game Trivia Deluxe, Trivia Vault: Technology Trivia Deluxe, Trivia Vault: Health Trivia Deluxe, Trivia Vault: Mixed Trivia 2, Trivia Vault Football Trivia, Trivia Vault Baseball Trivia, Trivia Vault Olympics Trivia, Trivia Vault Basketball Trivia, Trivia Vault: Boxing Trivia, Trivia Vault: Auto Racing Trivia, Trivia Vault: Golf Trivia, Trivia Vault: Hockey Trivia, Trivia Vault: Tennis Trivia, Trivia Vault: Soccer Trivia, Trivia Vault: Movie Trivia, Trivia Vault: Celebrity Trivia, Trivia Vault: TV Trivia, Trivia Vault: Art Trivia, Trivia Vault: Business Trivia, Trivia Vault: Toy Trivia, Trivia Vault: Fashion Trivia, Trivia Vault: Food Trivia, Trivia Vault: Literature Trivia, Trivia Vault: Music Trivia, Professor Watts Word Search: Space Voyage, Professor Watts Word Search: Pirates Life, Professor Watts Word Search: Yummy Foods, Professor Watts Memory Match: Cute Animals, Professor Watts Memory Match: Yummy Cupcakes, Professor Watts Memory Match: Fresh Fruit, Puzzle Monarch: Vampires, Land of Puzzles: Castles, Puzzle Monarch: Super Natural, Puzzle Monarch: Zombie, Land of Puzzles: Knights, Land of Puzzles: Battles, Professor Watts Memory Match: Expressions, Puzzle Monarch: Mummy, Professor Watts Memory Match: Cats, Professor Watts Memory Match: Puppies, Land of Puzzles: Elven Princess, Puzzle Monarch: Egypt, Puzzle Monarch: Nile River, Puzzle Monarch Nile River Wall Papers, Club Naughty, Dungeon Overseer - Copper Donation

HK$ 467.84
HK$ 356.39

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A játékról

Become a Power Pal and help the team save their children from the evil Blitterbom. Power Pals is an arcade style platformer with a cute family friendly atmosphere. Play through increasingly difficult levels as one of the 5 Power Pals. Collect Paw coins to spend on a variety of things in the upgrade shop. In the shop you can unlock new Power Pals and upgrade their abilities. Share upgrades across your Pals and jump through the levels. Collect power ups to help defeat the bad guys as you progress towards multiple bosses. Help save the Power Pals children and defeat the evil Blitterbom


5 Different Power Pals To Play
  • Bongo The Elephant
  • Rocky The Crocodile
  • Sniffles The Giraffe
  • Bubbles The Hippo
  • Or Ronny The Lion

Upgrade abilities in the Power Pal shop
  • Upgrade your run speed
  • Upgrade your jump high height
  • Upgrade the amount of continuous jumps in a row
  • Share upgrades between pals!

Purchase more lives in the Power Pal Shop
  • Collect paw coins to purchase more lives
  • There is no limit to the number of extra lives
  • Make sure you collect all of the Paw coins!

Collect Power Ups
  • Collect the wisp friend to help you dispatch enemies and bosses
  • Collect the lightning power up to turn invulnerable for a short time
  • Use all of these to survive run out of lives and its game over

Power Pals is sure to bring a smile to your face as you take these adventuresome rascals through to victory and save their children from the evil Blitterbom


    • Op. rendszer *: Win 8+
    • Processzor: I7 3.0 ghz quad core or higher
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: 2GB VRAM
    • DirectX: Verzió: 9.0
    • Tárhely: 2 GB szabad hely
    • Op. rendszer *: Win 8+
    • Processzor: I7 3.6 ghz quad core or higher
    • Memória: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafika: 4GB VRAM
    • DirectX: Verzió: 9.0
    • Tárhely: 4 GB szabad hely
* 2024. január 1-jétől a Steam kliens csak a Windows 10 és újabb verziókat fogja támogatni.

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