A reverse-detective adventure, where you control your character's face
Évaluations récentes :
très positives (63) - 95 % des 63 évaluations des utilisateurs et utilisatrices de ces 30 derniers jours sont positives.
Toutes les éval. :
extrêmement positives (2,350) - 95 % des 2,350 évaluations des utilisateurs et utilisatrices pour ce jeu sont positives.
Date de parution :
23 févr. 2022
Développement :
Édition :

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“It’s a very unique adventure and the facial expression manipulation isn’t just a gimmick – it’s an integral part of the gameplay that has a big effect on how others react to you”
Alpha Beta Gamer

“I just love the presentation and the quirkiness of the mechanics, but more importantly, the storytelling elements and unsettling atmosphere”
Vulgar Knight

“I did enjoy times I fumbled the expression I was trying to form, taking conversation in a direction I certainly hadn't intended but the game was prepared for. Also, William's face often ends up looking silly, and silly faces are funny.”
Rock Paper Shotgun

À propos de ce jeu

Who's Lila is a point-and-click adventure where, instead of choosing dialogue options, you control the character's face manually.

Life’s never been easy for William, but today is special – a girl named Tanya Kennedy suddenly goes missing and the only thing Will's friends know – he was the one to see her last.

Will you remain secretive and make William act as though nothing happened, or will you let true emotions show through his mask?

In Who's Lila, a specifically trained face-recognizing neural network allows you to make this choice! In dialogue, instead of choosing a text option, input facial expressions by moving parts of the character’s face. The neural network will then analyze the emotion and output the result, thus progressing the plot.

Apart from the struggles provided by your own face, you will be met with a gritty dither-punk world of Who’s Lila. Prepare yourself for dream-like landscapes, surreal architecture, steam-filled factory interiors, and David Lynch-inspired beauty of the industrial and the mundane.

«Sometimes there is fear in the unknown, but we are good detectives and we have to know everything»
David Lynch

Will you make sense of this strange story, or will you lose yourself in the beautiful mystery? Will you try to discover every possible turn of events, or will you stick to a single storyline?
And most importantly, will you be able to answer the ultimate question:

Who is Lila?


  • Neural network-powered emotion detection
  • 15 endings and choice-driven gameplay
  • Steam achievements
  • Ditherpunk visual style
  • 6+ hours of gameplay
  • Unlockable palettes
  • 50+ unique soundtrack pieces written specifically for the game
  • And more..

Description du contenu pour adultes

Voici la description de l'équipe de développement à propos du contenu du produit :

This game contains depictions of violence and topics of death, physical and mental abuse (including parental)

Configuration requise

    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation et processeur 64 bits nécessaires
    • Système d'exploitation : Windows 10
    • Processeur : i3–4150 CPU
    • Mémoire vive : 4 GB de mémoire
    • Graphiques : Intel HD Graphics Family
    • DirectX : Version 10
    • Espace disque : 715 MB d'espace disque disponible
    Recommandée :
    • Système d'exploitation et processeur 64 bits nécessaires

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