This game takes place after an apocalyptic attack and you're one of the last survivors. Your goal is to survive, complete quests, explore the huge wild world, eliminate enemies, level up, and create a safe place for the rest of the survivors.
Reseñas generales:
Variadas (13) - El 53 % de las 13 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este juego son positivas.
Fecha de lanzamiento:
2 FEB 2022

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Juego con acceso anticipado

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Aviso: Los juegos con acceso anticipado no están terminados y pueden o no cambiar más adelante. Si no te entusiasma jugar en su estado actual, deberías esperar a ver si el juego avanza más en su desarrollo. Más información

Nota: La última actualización que realizaron los desarrolladores fue hace más de 23 meses. Es posible que la información y el cronograma que describen aquí los desarrolladores ya no estén actualizados.
Lo que dicen los desarrolladores:

¿Por qué ofreces acceso anticipado?

«I feel that OneForAll has reached a playable, fun and enjoyable state, even though I still work on some core features and extensions. Being at early access mode, will allow me to collect valuable feedback and address that in my future addons to the game.»

¿Cuánto tiempo va a estar este juego en acceso anticipado aproximadamente?

«I plan on continuously improving and extending the game for approximately two years. This is flexible, as the final release date would depend on the early access player's feedback.»

¿Qué diferencias habrá entre la versión completa y la versión de acceso anticipado?

«The final version of OneForAll is planned to include a huge amount of items to craft and equip, multiple areas to explore which are actively being developed, interesting gun customizations, additional story-led quest campaigns, and leveling system.»

¿Cuál es el estado actual de la versión de acceso anticipado?

«The game is stable, and currently being played and enjoyed by our supporters. Basically, it holds my vision for the game.»

¿El precio del juego será diferente durante y después del acceso anticipado?

«No, I am not planning on increasing the price»

¿Cómo tienes planeado involucrar a la comunidad en tu proceso de desarrollo?

«The community will have a big effect on the development of OneForAll.
And as a one-person developer and player, I believe many others have been wanting to play for a while.
I plan to utilize all avenues to communicate with the players of OneForAll to better the game overall, add new features, and change the game for the better of everyone who spends their time playing OneForAll.»
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Acerca de este juego

Did you ever dream about playing a post-apocalyptic zombie game where you create your own adventure?
So You Might Want to Hear About This Game!

This game takes place after an apocalyptic attack and you're one of the last survivors.
Everything you see around you is the result of the government's most secret project called "Project X".

The project began due to the identification of strange creatures beneath the territory of the country,
After a very special and secret operation of the government which amounted to success a large number of these creatures were captured and the experiments and investigations on them began.

After many studies, it has been identified that these creatures are a new species that resembles us, humans, only with a very rare genetic mutation called the "X" gene and that they do not have the ability to feel fear or pain at all!
This information led the elected officials in the government to the desire to use them as "slaves", for the purpose of protecting the state, building weapons, and other jobs that require a lot of courage and great power.

But one day everything got complicated, the government that was in those days collapsed, and everything was just abandoned.
All the scientists who worked on the project simply disappeared, which eventually turns out to have become part of this strain, and has reached a state of global spread!

Your goal is to find a way to overthrow these zombies and maybe even succeed in restoring peace.


  • Singleplayer / Exploration
  • Inventory, quest and level system
  • Open world to explore and many possible things to do

Requisitos del sistema

    • SO *: Windows 7
    • Procesador: AMD A10-5700 / Intel Core i3-3220
    • Memoria: 8 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: AMD R7-240 / GForce 650Ti / Intel 630
    • Almacenamiento: 2 GB de espacio disponible
    • SO: Windows 10
    • Procesador: AMD Ryzen 5 2400G / Intel core i7-3970
    • Memoria: 16 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: AMD Radeon R9 280 / Nvidia GeForce GTX 960
    • Almacenamiento: 2 GB de espacio disponible
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.

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