A Victorian steampunk RPG with tarot cards instead of dice. Investigate the disappearance of society’s most vulnerable to uncover a mysterious cult. Play as three characters, each with their own skills and motivations. Customize your characters with narrative choices to unlock new tarot cards.
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Veldig positive (21) - 80 % av de 21 brukeranmeldelsene fra de siste 30 dagene er positive.
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Veldig positive (327) - 82 % av 327 brukeranmeldelser for dette spillet er positive.
15. jan. 2024

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Kjøp Sovereign Syndicate

SPESIALKAMPANJE! Tilbudet utløper 12. mars

HK$ 125.00
HK$ 62.50

Kjøp Sovereign Syndicate X Menace from the Deep PAKKE (?)

Inkluderer 2 produkt: Sovereign Syndicate, Menace from the Deep

HK$ 209.70
HK$ 132.07

Kjøp Sovereign Syndicate: Digital Deluxe Edition PAKKE (?)

Inkluderer 3 produkt: Sovereign Syndicate, Sovereign Syndicate Soundtrack, Sovereign Syndicate Digital Artbook

HK$ 231.30
HK$ 115.65


“Sovereign Syndicate feels like another step forward for the CRPG”
80/100 – PC Gamer

“It captivates you the moment you start the game with its strong characters and writing, and doesn’t let go until the very end.”
9/10 – WhatIfGaming

“A witty, vicious, and charming-as-heck romp through a Victorian steampunk city. Sovereign Syndicate is a deeply satisfying narrative RPG and an absolute pleasure to play through.”
8.5/10 – Checkpoint Gaming

Om spillet

Explore an open world in this Victorian steampunk cRPG. Play as three characters with branching stories that intertwine. Investigate, interact, and take action to leave your mark on the world and its inhabitants. No random stat points here, use your skills to level them up, and trust your fate to our tarot card chance system.

So, how will you solve your problems? Combat, persuasion, magic, explosives? The choice is yours and all your cards are on the table; but be careful, the docklands aren’t for the faint of heart.

Tarot Card Chance System – Leave your dice at home as you interact with a variety of characters. NPC’s react to your gender, race, appearance, and choice of dialogue, so you’d better look and act the part if you want the “right” results. But not everything is certain, luck plays a role and it’s all in the cards with our tarot card chance system.

Skill and Etiquette System - The skills you use will improve your ability, while ignoring others will cause them to stagnate. Master the skills you choose and learn more about the world and its inhabitants to unlock special dialogue and skill-check options.

So go, see, do! And don’t be afraid to try the unconventional. Drown yourself in gin? Sure, provided you’ve got the constitution for it. Smoke that opium? Certainly, but be careful not to doze off— it might not be safe here. Put it all on black? You only live once, as they say. Even in failure you learn something…

A Rich Open World to Explore - A steampunk fantasy-inspired Victorian London awaits; filled with interesting characters and locations. Explore the back alleys, opium dens, brothels, and more at your peril, or relax and enjoy their simple pleasures. Investigate, interact, and take action to forge your own path.

Three Characters, Three Different Stories – Play as three characters with stories that intertwine through the city’s docklands and unfold based on your choices.

  • Atticus Daley, an orphaned minotaur magician crawling out of the bottom of a bottle to find a sense of belonging, and his next fix.
  • Clara Reed, a corsair with a checkered past, and a cunning woman with a rebellious streak. Follow her on a search for vengeance, and the courtesan killer.
  • Otto, the trusty automaton and companion of engineer Theodore Redgrave. More than just the sum of his parts, Otto wants more to life than servitude and utility.

Each character has their own mix of skills, equipment, and expertise, and they might just have to work together to succeed. Will you trust your companions, and should they trust you? Not everyone is a hero after all.


  • A large open world to explore, 20 different locations spread over the city’s east docklands
  • Three playable characters
  • Three intertwined stories to experience
  • Branching narrative and dialogue system
  • Character customization
  • Tarot card chance system
  • Single-player

Beskrivelse av voksent innhold

Utviklerne beskriver innholdet slik:

This game contains depictions of substance abuse and gambling, sexual references, violence, and mature language and subject matter.


    • Krever en 64-biters prosessor og operativsystem
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Prosessor: Intel Core i3 or equivalent
    • Minne: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: Direct X Compatible Video Card with 2GB Memory
    • DirectX: Versjon 11
    • Lagring: 20 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • VR-støtte:
    • Krever en 64-biters prosessor og operativsystem
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Prosessor: Intel Core i7 or equivalent
    • Minne: 12 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: Direct X Compatible Video Card with 4GB Memory
    • DirectX: Versjon 11
    • Lagring: 20 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • VR-støtte:

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