Death is inconsequential in this arcade-style roguelite with an artstyle inspired by early Atari consoles. But be careful with damaging the bloodied walls and floors, falling out of the level will bring you right back to the start of the stage.
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Prochainement en accès anticipé

L'équipe de développement a l'intention de sortir ce jeu tout en continuant à travailler dessus, afin d'incorporer les retours de la communauté dans son développement.

Remarque : les jeux en accès anticipé ne sont pas terminés, ils peuvent changer de façon significative. Si ce jeu ne vous intéresse pas dans son état actuel, vous devriez attendre pour voir s'il se développe davantage. En savoir plus

Ce que l'équipe de développement a à dire :

Pourquoi choisir l'accès anticipé ?

« This game has always lived in an evolving state all throughout its development. It is unrecognisable from the original design plan after constant iterative work which grew from constant feedback, be it from showcases at Dublin Comic Con, to friends, other developers and the like. Given the nature of this development process, it seems like a natural progression to finally release the game to the public and allow it to grow, evolve and become even better with feedback from a community continuously playtesting new updates which were developed with an ear to the ground of said community. »

Pendant combien de temps environ ce jeu sera-t-il en accès anticipé ?

« I'm a university student with plenty of passions and commitments, so I can't fully dedicate myself to development. Ultimately, I'm not koi about this being a hobbiest project so I can't recommend you purchase this game on the promise of features, but out of genuine interest of what's already there. So I guess I'm leaving this with the forever unsatisfactory "it'll be ready when it's ready". »

En quoi la version finale sera-t-elle différente de la version en accès anticipé ?

« The current plan is to add at least two more stages, along with local multiplayer and a level editor/stage builder with Steam Workshop support before the full release. This is all subject to change of course. »

Quel est l'état actuel de la version en accès anticipé ?

« The current version is a solid little game. There are two stages, which should take a couple of hours to complete depending on your skill level. The stages are also very re-playable, so you can milk as much enjoyment out of the current version as you see fit really! »

Le prix du jeu sera-t-il différent pendant et après l'accès anticipé ?

« There may be a slight price increase upon full release, although this would depend on just how much content the full release will have to offer. I want to provide good value for money, as ultimately I don't expect to profit from this venture, just a coffee or two. »

Comment comptez-vous impliquer la communauté dans le processus de développement ?

« Feedback will be primarily provided through the steam forums and on my linked social media. If there's demand I'll create a discord server, but for now I'm leaving feedback to those two avenues. »
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“It's really hard but I can't stop playing”
- Some Kid at Dublin Comic Con

À propos de ce jeu

Death is inconsequential in this arcade-style roguelite with an artstyle inspired by early Atari consoles. But be careful with damaging the bloodied walls and floors, falling out of the level will bring you right back to the start of the stage. Blood stained walls are destructible, so be careful where you kill and die!

Early Access

Currently the game has 2 stages, with 25 levels between them and a bossfight at the end of each. Estimated playtime in the game's current state is about 2 hours, however this changes dramatically based on ability in such a skill-based game.

Configuration requise

    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation  *: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10
    • Mémoire vive : 2 GB de mémoire
    • Graphiques : 128MB
    • Espace disque : 100 MB d'espace disque disponible
    • Notes supplémentaires : Don't worry, you can run it
* À compter du 1ᵉʳ janvier 2024, le client Steam sera compatible uniquement avec Windows 10 et ses versions plus récentes.
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