The buns... you HAVE to capture them!! Think outside the bunburrow or get outsmarted by bunnies in this cute pathfinding-based puzzle game!
Reseñas recientes:
Muy positivas (15) - El 93 % de las 15 reseñas de los usuarios en los últimos 30 días son positivas.
Reseñas generales:
Extremadamente positivas (865) - El 97 % de las 865 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este juego son positivas.
Fecha de lanzamiento:
2 AGO 2023

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Descargar Pâquerette Down the Bunburrows Demo

Comprar Paquerette Down the Bunburrows

¡PROMOCIÓN ESPECIAL! La oferta finaliza el 8 de marzo

HK$ 78.00
HK$ 54.60

Comprar Paquerette Down the Bunburrows Supporter Edition

Incluye 3 artículo(s): Paquerette Down the Bunburrows, Pâquerette Down the Bunburrows - Supporter Pack, Paquerette Down the Bunburrows - Soundtrack

HK$ 117.90
HK$ 82.53

Comprar Astra Community Spotlights PACK (?)

Incluye 3 artículo(s): Sushi For Robots, Paquerette Down the Bunburrows, A Slug's Dream

HK$ 141.60
HK$ 122.88

Comprar Great Grids PACK (?)

Incluye 4 artículo(s): Paquerette Down the Bunburrows, Taiji, Can of Wormholes, Railbound

HK$ 353.60
HK$ 311.64

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Acerca de este juego

The bunburrows are filled with the cutest bunnies... and you have to capture them!! But they won't let you corner them so easily!
U=๏ x ๏=U U=๏ x ๏=U U=๏ x ๏=U

Pâquerette Down the Bunburrows is a pathfinding-based bunny-catching puzzle game.
The bunnies flee when Pâquerette gets too close: they dash through tunnels carefully avoiding dead ends. Will you let the lil buns outsmart you?
Each level is carefully crafted to teach you new, surprising and tricky ways of catching bunnies~


  • Use the bunnies' smart yet predictable behaviours against them!
  • Resort to various tools such as traps, pickaxes and carrots when simply manipulating the bunnies' moves isn't quite enough!
  • Explore 5 bunburrows, each featuring their own distinct 16-bit visual and musical themes
  • Drop by the surface for a quick chat with Ophéline, she's a meanie but really sweet deep down!
  • Maybe she'll even offer you some upgrades?
  • Capturing 100+ bunnies is all fun and games but Pâquerette would also love to find some baby bunnies, but how?
  • Secrets lurk deep down the bunburrows...
  • and the most important feature: BUNNIES

Requisitos del sistema

    • SO *: Windows 7 (SP1+)
    • Procesador: x86, x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support
    • Memoria: 2 GB de RAM
    • DirectX: Versión 10
    • Almacenamiento: 250 MB de espacio disponible
    • Notas adicionales: (If you can run any recent Unity game, you should be able to run this one!)
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.
    • SO: High Sierra 10.13+
    • Procesador: Apple M1 or Intel Core M
    • Memoria: 2 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: Metal capable Intel and AMD GPUs
    • Almacenamiento: 250 MB de espacio disponible
    • Notas adicionales: Requires Apple officially supported drivers

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