Survive the ever increasing pressure of time for as long as you can! A minimalistic incremental game about time management that takes inspiration from roguelite games, with a focus on meta-progression. Every generation has a better chance at survival, because previous lives influence its instincts
Évaluations récentes :
plutôt positives (20) - 70 % des 20 évaluations des utilisateurs et utilisatrices de ces 30 derniers jours sont positives.
Toutes les éval. :
très positives (1,072) - 87 % des 1,072 évaluations des utilisateurs et utilisatrices pour ce jeu sont positives.
Date de parution :
13 oct. 2021
Développement :
Édition :

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Jeu en accès anticipé

Commencez à jouer dès à présent et impliquez-vous pendant son développement.

Remarque : les jeux en accès anticipé ne sont pas terminés, ils peuvent changer de façon significative. Si ce jeu ne vous intéresse pas dans son état actuel, vous devriez attendre pour voir s'il se développe davantage. En savoir plus

Remarque : la dernière mise à jour a été publiée par l'équipe de développement il y a 19 mois. Les informations et le calendrier présentés ici peuvent être obsolètes.
Ce que l'équipe de développement a à dire :

Pourquoi choisir l'accès anticipé ?

« During the development of my previous game, I've continued to extend content for over two years (one of which on Steam). Including players in the continued development of content has always proven extremely helpful. To make sure the balance feels right, and to apply feedback and suggestions directly into updates. Launching the game as Early Access properly represents that the game will be expanded significantly. However, the Early Access version will not be a paid beta either. All the content that is already included is tested, balanced and optimized to a release-quality standard. The game has also been in a three month Closed Beta with hundreds of participants prior to the Early Access release, and is now ready for more players! »

Pendant combien de temps environ ce jeu sera-t-il en accès anticipé ?

« Until at least 2024. I'll continue to expand the Early Access version until I feel comfortable enough to label it release-ready, and the story is finished entirely. Your responses and feedback will be a leading factor in that decision. But that doesn't mean updates stop after leaving Early Access! »

En quoi la version finale sera-t-elle différente de la version en accès anticipé ?

« The Early Access version contains all features listed in the "About this game" section in a fully playable and balanced manner. The game has a story you progress through, that story features approximately 220 hours of unpaused content in the 11 chapters that are currently available in Early Access. During Early Access, that story will be expanded significantly, until the game contains between 20 and 25 total chapters. Expanding the story will include a variety of new areas to explore and new milestones to reach. Specifics to how the story will expand will be tailored to player responses and suggestions, but will certainly include various themes that come with their own challenges.

When the story is finished entirely, the currently available new game plus feature will be further expanded to offer an option to continue playing after completing the main game. Additionally, the full release will include any improvements that players may suggest during Early Access (that I feel the game will benefit from). »

Quel est l'état actuel de la version en accès anticipé ?

« The Early Access version contains all features listed in the "About this game" section in a fully playable and balanced manner. These features include multiple skills to train that affect a variety of jobs and constructions, the action queue, story progression and reincarnation. The story features approximately 220 hours of unpaused content in the 11 chapters in the Early Access release. That story will be expanded throughout Early Access until it contains somewhere between 20 and 25 total chapters. The Early Access release follows a three month Closed Beta period with hundreds of participants, and is now ready for more players! »

Le prix du jeu sera-t-il différent pendant et après l'accès anticipé ?

« The price will likely be increased somewhat throughout Early Access. Beta testers have indicated that the current price may be a little low for the content that is already present. I want to keep the threshold to join Early Access low at first and gradually adjust the price to what seems most in line with player responses as content expands. As you should expect, if you join Early Access, you're getting all content that's added at a later time included for free. As a solo developer, you are directly supporting me in the ambition to spend a lot more time working on the game to get it to reach its full potential. That should be returned with the gratitude that you deserve for doing so, through updates! »

Comment comptez-vous impliquer la communauté dans le processus de développement ?

« I always try to read all feedback on the Steam community and Discord and respond to as much as I realistically can. There is absolutely no better way to form an impression of how players perceive the game and what can be improved upon, than to listen to those that are kind enough to voice their thoughts! The Demo, nor the Closed Beta would have been able to reach the quality that they did without player feedback. And Early Access merely marks the next step in that approach! »
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À propos de ce jeu

Survive the ever increasing pressure of time for as long as you can!

Increlution is a minimalistic incremental game about time management that takes inspiration from roguelite games. It's up to you to survive as long as you can with the tools that you unlock throughout life, such as food or constructions. As time goes on, your health will decline increasingly faster until you'll eventually die. However, death merely marks a new beginning. With every generation, your chances at survival will increase, because progress in previous lives increases your instincts.

Managing time

Throughout life, you'll have access to various jobs, constructions and explorations. Using the step-by-step queue system, you can plan exactly what you want to happen and the game will automatically follow your orders. When your queue is empty, the game pauses automatically, so you don't lose any of your precious time! This is a game about planning and strategizing, not a game about micro-management or clicking. However, if you prefer to play more real-time, you can prioritize anything over your queue at any time.


Every action uses one of many skills, such as Farming of Woodcutting. Every skill has two leveling types, Generation levels and Instinct levels. Generation levels increase more rapidly and provide a bigger benefit throughout life. Instinct levels increase at a slower pace, but persist through death, creating a permanent improvement for every following life. The combined effect of these levels directly affects how quickly you can perform actions that use these skills, allowing you to spend more of your time on other actions to increase your chances to survive!

Story based progression

You progress through the game with a story. Exploring the world allows you to discover new tools to improve your chances at survival. Unlike most incremental games, having a story also means the game includes no procedural content, and you're actually able to complete the game. That story features approximately 220 hours of unpaused content in the 11 chapters that are currently available in Early Access. During Early Access, that story will be expanded significantly, until the game contains between 20 and 25 chapters. When the story is finished entirely, the currently available new game plus feature will be further expanded to offer an option to continue playing after completing the game.

Meta progression

Every generation will have better chances at survival than the last. The longer you survive, the more those chances will increase! This cycle of life and death plays a fundamental part in the overall progression through the game. Death is inevitable, but never pointless!

Understandable numbers, yet mathematically fluent

All progression within the game is carefully balanced to provide a consistent feeling of improvement, while numbers are tuned to remain understandable. Most bonuses compound, which keeps your progression consistent and meaningful, without requiring overly complicated mechanics. So you can focus on what matters most, survival!

Play the first chapter for free with the demo

Like many things in life, you can only truly judge whether something fits your liking by trying it first hand. For that reason, Increlution features a free demo so you don't have to take anyone's word for it! Try it yourself, and only join Early Access if you're completely convinced that it'll be worth your while! Progress made in the demo will automatically be synchronized to the full version through Steam Cloud, so you won’t lose any of your progress! The Demo features the first chapter and contains roughly 7 hours of unpaused content.

Interested? Try the demo right now by downloading it at the top of this page!

Configuration requise

SteamOS + Linux
    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation et processeur 64 bits nécessaires
    • Système d'exploitation  *: Windows 7 or later (64 bit)
    • Processeur : An Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that's SSE2 capable
    • Mémoire vive : 512 MB de mémoire
    • Espace disque : 250 MB d'espace disque disponible
    • Notes supplémentaires : If your device is able to run a modern browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox and the like), it should be good to run Increlution
    Recommandée :
    • Système d'exploitation et processeur 64 bits nécessaires
* À compter du 1ᵉʳ janvier 2024, le client Steam sera compatible uniquement avec Windows 10 et ses versions plus récentes.
    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation : macOS 10.10 (Yosemite) or later
    • Processeur : A 64bit Intel processor
    • Mémoire vive : 512 MB de mémoire
    • Espace disque : 250 MB d'espace disque disponible
    • Notes supplémentaires : If your device is able to run a modern browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox and the like), it should be good to run Increlution
    Recommandée :
      Minimale :
      • Système d'exploitation : Ubuntu 12.04, Fedora 21, Debian 8 (or later) (64 bit)
      • Processeur : An Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that's SSE2 capable
      • Mémoire vive : 512 MB de mémoire
      • Espace disque : 250 MB d'espace disque disponible
      • Notes supplémentaires : If your device is able to run a modern browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox and the like), it should be good to run Increlution
      Recommandée :

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