Utopos is a MOSA - Multiplayer Online Space Arena! Gameplay is from a top-down angle, dual-stick shooter and you can play against your friends online, or against AI-controlled opponents.
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Обзоров пользователей: 4 - Недостаточно обзоров для расчета рейтинга
Дата выхода:
29 мар. 2021 г.

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Примечание: игры в раннем доступе находятся на стадии разработки. Они могут измениться в будущем или остаться в текущем состоянии, так что, если вам не по вкусу то, что игра может предложить сейчас, рекомендуем дождаться её дальнейшего развития. Узнать больше

Сообщение от разработчиков

Почему ранний доступ?

«Early Access allows us to release the game and tune it with real players. This is especially important for a multiplayer game like Utopos, where the gameplay will involve up to 8, and possibly even more, players simultaneously. The first release has up to 4 players in a fight and we'll increase the limit and add more game modes over time.»

Сколько примерно эта игра будет в раннем доступе?

«The early access period for Utopos might be quite short, possibly about 3 months, but no guarantees! Our previous game, URG, was scheduled to be in Early Access for 6 months, but in the end, it took 13 months before the full version was released.»

Чем планируемая полная версия будет отличаться от версии в раннем доступе?

«The Early Access game will launch will one online arena, which will allow us to tune the gameplay. Once the game runs perfectly and both us, and the players, are happy with it, we plan on creating multiple arenas for the full release. The full release will likely also feature more ships and more weapons.»

Каково текущее состояние версии в раннем доступе?

«The first release of the Early Access version is fully playable with up to 8 players. We have persistent player data storage in the cloud, and all the core components of the game are working. We have not done large-scale testing and currently do not know how many players we could support at maximum, how well the gameplay works if players are on different continents, etc.»

Изменится ли цена игры после выхода из раннего доступа?

«The Early Access pricing is reduced compared to the final release. Our previous game saw price double when it left Early Access. We have not made the final decision on the pricing of Utopos yet.»

Как вы планируете вовлекать сообщество в разработку игры?

«The best way for the community to provide feedback and participate in discussion with the developers is our Discord, here: »
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Об этой игре

Utopos is back! The original Utopos launched almost 30 years ago in 1993, but the magic is still there. Utopos is a MOSA - Multiplayer Online Space Arena. :)

Utopos is easy to pick up and provides countless hours of fun action with your friends! It's a twin-stick shooter where you control 3 different weapons simultaneously, trying to get the most kills during an intense match.

Situated at the Asteroid Belt, Utopos is a colonized world inhabited by humans who left the earth in the search of a better life. Rocketship fights have become a popular sport and it's up to you to fight your way to the top. Choose your ship and weapons and fight against other players to see how is the ultimate rocketship fighting champion!

While Utopos is a multiplayer game, it also provides AI-controlled bots that fight just like humans, so you can train on your own too.

Try Utopos with a friend - this is quite possibly the most fun you've had in ages!

Системные требования

SteamOS + Linux
    • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
    • ОС: Windows 10
    • Процессор: Intel i5 or similar
    • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
    • Место на диске: 4 GB
    • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
    • ОС: Windows 10
    • Процессор: Intel i9 or similar
    • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
    • Место на диске: 4 GB
    • ОС: Mac OSX Mojave
    • Процессор: Intel i5 or similar
    • Место на диске: 4 GB
    • ОС: Mac OSX Catalina
    • Процессор: Intel i7 or similar
    • Место на диске: 4 GB
    • ОС: Any up to date version
    • Процессор: Intel i5 or similar
    • Место на диске: 4 GB
    • ОС: Any up to date version
    • Процессор: Intel i7 or similar
    • Место на диске: 4 GB

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