Enter the world of Tetrogue Dragons where arcade style gaming meets deckbuilding and roguelike dungeons. Choose your class, craft your deck, and battle your way to victory. Experience something new each time you embark on a new Tetrogue adventure!
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26. nov. 2020

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Køb Tetrogue Dragons

HK$ 45.00

Om dette spil

Tetrogue Dragons is a deckbuilding rogue-lite with a fun puzzle twist. Choose from three initial classes and unlock four more. Each class has a unique set of abilities that correlates to falling blocks on the battle board. The classes also have different stats altering the penalties they take for filling their battle board or the speed that blocks fall onto the board. As you move through procedurally generated maps, you add shapes into your deck, gain potions, and add items that alter gameplay and can also stack for impressive bonuses. Items can increase the size of your battle board, your loot drops, your maximum health or much more. Beware though! As you add shapes to your deck, the enemy’s decks get bigger as well and their abilities grow with each new map. At the end of each map battle a dragon boss with unique abilities like reversing your controls or obscuring part of your battle board. Play to become a master, or just have some casual fun, it is up to you!


    • Styresystem: Windows
    • Processor: Any
    • Hukommelse: 200 MB RAM
    • Grafik: Any
    • Diskplads: 500 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: Any

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