Leafling Online is a free to play 2D Action MORPG with an evolving world. Explore, fight, craft, cast, and delve your way through dangerous dungeons and discover new areas on the Overworld.
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15 Des 2020

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Game Akses Dini

Dapatkan akses instan untuk bermain; ikut terlibat dalam game seiring perkembangannya.

Catatan: Game Akses Dini adalah produk yang belum selesai dan mungkin tidak akan berubah lebih lanjut. Jika kamu tidak berminat untuk memainkan game ini dalam kondisinya saat ini, kamu harus menunggu untuk melihat jika game ini terus dikembangkan. Pelajari lebih lanjut

Prakata dari pengembang:

Kenapa harus Akses Dini?

“Leafling is a massive project being developed by an extremely small team. By allowing players early access to the game, we can tailor the development process around what the playerbase wants as well as find bugs at an exponentially faster rate. Having our player's support in the early development of this project is almost a necessity to ensure it reaches a quality that makes both us and the players happy.”

Berapa lama game ini akan berada dalam Akses Dini?

“Early Access will continue until our 2.0 Update, which will herald the official release of the game as well as rewards for all of our early access players. The estimated date of the 2.0 Update is currently Quarter 4 2023.”

Apa perbedaan antara versi penuh dan versi Akses Dini?

“In the full version of Leafling we plan to include dozens of new zones, hundreds of hours of new content, and the completion of Book I of the main storyline. We also plan on striving for huge improvements in quality of life, performance, and server stability as we work to improve the backend of the game to accommodate our players.”

Apa status saat ini dari versi Akses Dini ini?

“Early Access will launch with version 1.3 of our Beta which includes 8 zones, over 30 quests, and 10 playable classes with a maximum level of 30. Players will also be able to undertake the first 4 chapters of the main story line.”

Apakah harga game akan berbeda selama dan setelah Akses Dini?

“Leafling is, and always will be, a free-to-play game with absolutely NO pay-to-win mechanics.”

Seperti apakah rencana untuk melibatkan Komunitas dalam proses pengembangan?

“Our discord community is thriving, our players are always giving us feedback, ideas, and and bug reports. I hope that we can introduce many more of you into the family and we can all create an amazing game together!

You can join our Discord family here: https://discord.gg/xwXqkmq”
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Pemberitahuan: Leafling tidak lagi tersedia di Toko Steam.
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Tentang Game Ini

Leafling Online is a free to play 2D MORPG created by a small team of indie developers as a passion project. Leafling aims to deliver a nostalgic, old school RPG feeling with modernized features and gameplay! Customize your character's playstyle like never before seen! Choose from over 30 Classes (and growing!) and combine them with unique Gear Spells to create functionally infinite possibilities! Take part in challenging raids and dungeons with solo raids and challenges available as well. Engage in optional PvP in the arena, or play dirty in Leafling's optional PvX zones! Come enjoy the wonderful world of Artemia today and become a part of our small and welcoming community!

*Over 30 classes and with limitless build variety!
*Every piece of gear has a unique Gear Spell!
*Swap between Classes with the click of a button!
*In-Game Wiki means you never need to Google an item or monster again!
*A huge world to explore, filled with secrets to discover
*Evolving story which will progress with the world around it
*Skill based action combat with both casual and hardcore PvE and PvP challenges!
*Optional PvP with rewards, rankings, and more!
*Fun and rewarding Crafting!
*Gathering Classes that make Gathering fun! AoE Whirlwind every tree around you!
*Trade your gear with other Explorers in our player driven economy!
*Fun community driven Mini-Games!
*No Pay-2-Win!
*More to come!

Persyaratan Sistem

    • OS *: Windows 7+ Framework 4.6.2), OSX 10.10+ (w/Mono), Various Linux Distros (w/Mono)
    • Prosesor: Intel i3 or Better
    • Memori: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafis: 1 GB VRAM
    • Jaringan: Koneksi Internet Broadband
    • Penyimpanan: 2 GB ruang tersedia
    • Kartu suara: N/A
    • OS: Windows 10 Framework 4.6.2), OSX 10.10+ (w/Mono), Various Linux Distros (w/Mono)
    • Prosesor: Intel i3 or Better
    • Memori: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafis: 2 GB VRAM
    • Jaringan: Koneksi Internet Broadband
    • Kartu suara: N/A
* Mulai 1 Januari 2024, Steam Client hanya akan mendukung Windows 10 dan versi yang lebih baru.

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