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Set in the heart of London, Little Sim World is a cozy 2D Life Simulator that reshapes how players engage with their surroundings. Customize your character’s preferences & living space while interacting with an array of cute characters. Enjoy the various city activities & just have fun!
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mai 2025
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Utvikleren av dette spillet har planer om å gi det ut som et pågående arbeid, og utvikle det med tilbakemeldinger fra spillere.

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Hva utviklerne har å si:

Hvorfor tidlig tilgang?

«Even though we’ve already implemented many and aspire to add even more features that will be fully functional upon the Early Access release, our goal is to add several huge RPG & Multiplayer aspects into the full version, but also to keep perfecting the existing gameplay experience for our players through close communication about their wishes, insights and ideas! Early Access is important in this process, as it allows us to showcase everything firsthand, getting players accustomed to the existing mechanics and possibilities while the final, massive ones are brought to life. We greatly value our community and their support through all these years of development, having their input is a crucial step in our efforts to create the best possible experience and provide additional time for gamers to help us grow the game to its full potential.»

Hvor lenge antas det at dette spillet vil være i tidlig tilgang?

«Given that our priority is for the game to achieve a full scope of fulfilling features that gamers can experience, we estimate that Early Access will last approximately 1 to 2 years, from the time of the release in Q4 of 2024.»

Hvordan er det planlagt at fullversjonen skal være forskjellig fra versjonen i tidlig tilgang?

«The most intricate aspects to bring to life are the NPC interactions, Romantic Relationships, and Multiplayer features. These were highly requested by the Indie Life-Sim community, and they've been part of our plan from day one! In addition, we are looking at vastly deeper storylines, as well as more player interests, outfits, buildings, many more interactions, furniture, tasks to follow, collectables and random events.»

Hva er nåværende tilstand for versjonen i tidlig tilgang?

«We just recently finished adding all the planned interests as well as a career system that allows players to explore them to the fullest by performing activities related to each of them and receive compensation for it! The city is missing but one building from its open world map, all the furniture & clothing types are complete, making way for the variety of even more different styles for each. There are already hundreds of different moods your little sims can experience, objects they can interact with and characters with different preferences they can create. Collectibles include coins, stamps, toys, leaves & fish, completing the full set. There are still things in need of refinement but the core cozy experience is already there!»

Vil spillet være priset annerledes under og etter tidlig tilgang?

«There may be a small discount for the Early Access, although we do not expect the pricing for Little Sim World to change significantly, as we believe it should reflect the amount of work we have put into developing it!»

Hvordan planlegger dere å involvere samfunnet i utviklingsprosessen?

«What we’ve built up to now has heavily relied on player feedback and will continue to until the very end! You can find regular updates, participate in fun polls, suggest ideas and get fast feedback on anything regarding the game, through our Little Sim World Discord community. You can expect the very same from our Twitter page & other social media accounts!»
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Planlagt utgivelsesdato: mai 2025

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