GRIM is an Exclusive VR Multiplayer Survival game where you must immerse yourself in its red wasteland, where survival is not just a choice but a grueling battle against nature and other desperate players. You must gather resources, craft, and build your base, all to stay alive.
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Prossimamente in accesso anticipato

Gli sviluppatori di questo gioco intendono rilasciarlo come ancora in fase di sviluppo, in cui si tiene conto del feedback dei giocatori.

Nota: i giochi in accesso anticipato non sono completi e potrebbero subire modifiche in futuro, oppure rimanere incompleti. Se non vuoi giocare a questo gioco nel suo stato attuale, ti conviene aspettare per vedere se sarà sviluppato ulteriormente. Altre informazioni

Cosa dicono gli sviluppatori:

Perché l'accesso anticipato?

“Early Access allows us to reach early adopters who want to experience the latest in GRIM and support a game that is in rapid development. You can reach us in our discord to discuss all things GRIM related please visit our discord.”

Per quanto tempo questo gioco rimarrà in accesso anticipato?

“We plan on staying in EA until all major features are implemented, including the ones the community thinks are crucial.”

Quali saranno le differenze fra la versione completa e quella in accesso anticipato?

“The full version is planned to include many more gameplay features, and improvements that are currently not present in the Early Access version.”

Qual è lo stato attuale della versione in accesso anticipato?

“GRIM Early Access will launch in an Alpha state to allow the community to come along for the ride in development. Players can gather resources, craft tools and makeshift weapons, create a base, and defend themselves from the environment and other players in a PVPVE setting. Players can also look at outstanding monuments. For more information, refer to "About this Game" section or look into our socials.”

Il prezzo del gioco varierà durante e dopo l'accesso anticipato?

“During early access pricing will not change. Price may increase moderately when we release.”

Come pensi di coinvolgere la Comunità durante il processo di sviluppo?

“You can follow us on our socials @playgrimvr, and you can reach us in our discord to discuss all things GRIM related!”
Altre informazioni
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Questo gioco non è ancora disponibile su Steam

Data di rilascio prevista: 2024

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Informazioni sul gioco


Stranded on Mars by AdvantEDGE, GRIM is an exclusive VR multiplayer survival game where you must survive the red wasteland , where survival is not just a choice but a grueling battle against nature and other desperate players. You must gather resources, craft, and build your base, all to stay alive.

In GRIM, there are no rules other than fending for yourself. Craft tools, armor, and weapons to make your rightful place on Mars against rival survivors and the entities that roam it. You can Cooperate with friends and neighbors to build settlements. You can trade with players in peace, or raid their bases with menacing intent to steal their riches.

Constructing your base is entirely under your control, from fortification to mischievous traps. You can craft your base by yourself or with other survivors. Gather your resources and command your territory.

GRIM is packed with features for unlimited replayability, including:

  • Simultaneous PVP and PVE - Avoid both players, wildlife and AI.

  • Scavenge the land and opposing bases for resources, food, water, firearms, and ammunition.

  • Build and Fortify your base.

  • Team up or go alone on the treacherous red planet.

  • Find monuments for their outstanding loot.

  • Craft your tools and build your workshop.

  • Variety of makeshift weapons ranging from hatchets to assault rifles.

  • Raid your enemies.

Descrizione del contenuto per adulti

Ecco come gli sviluppatori descrivono questi contenuti:

The mature content depicted in GRIM are as follows: Realistic violence with blood, gore, accidental death, corpses, and injuries. There's also depictions of suicide. Hemp is also depicted and can be collected.

Requisiti di sistema

    • Richiede un processore e un sistema operativo a 64 bit
    • Sistema operativo: Win 10
    • Processore: i5 6600K
    • Memoria: 8 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: Nvidia GTX 1060
    • DirectX: Versione 11
    • Memoria: 15 GB di spazio disponibile
    • Scheda audio: Any
    • Compatibilità VR: OpenXR. Standing or Room Scale
    • Richiede un processore e un sistema operativo a 64 bit
    • Sistema operativo: Win 10
    • Processore: i7 7700k or Higher
    • Memoria: 12 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: Nvidia 1080GTX or Higher
    • DirectX: Versione 12
    • Memoria: 15 GB di spazio disponibile
    • Scheda audio: Any
    • Compatibilità VR: OpenXR, requires motion controllers
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