Join the forces of Chaos and Order to decide fate in this magic-based FPS arena shooter. A unique team game where you battle using only magic and level up throughout the match, unlocking new powers. The Spellstorm approaches, are you ready?
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Liity pelitestiin: Spellstorm Playtest

Pyydä käyttöoikeutta ja saat ilmoituksen, kun kehittäjä on valmis lisäämään osallistujia.
Peli ei ole vielä saatavilla Steamissä

Suunniteltu julkaisupäivä: Tulossa

Lisää toivelistallesi, niin saat ilmoituksen, kun peli on saatavilla.
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Tietoa pelistä

A re-imagining of the classic game Magestorm, fight in an all-magic battle arena as an archon pulled from time and imbued with fantastical powers in an eternal struggle between the Primal Forces - Order and Chaos. Fueled by increasingly powerful magic, defeat your foes and their shrines in a battle arena.

All Magic

This is the ultimate mage battle fantasy. Push the front lines as an elemental Magician, ambush foes with lightning as the Tempest, defend your shrine with a storm of swords as the Paladin, or deny your enemies by harnessing mana and the void as the Arcanist.

Well Tuned Gameplay

Each class has a distinct playstyle and feel allowing all four to make game-winning plays.

Unique Combat

This is not a Crowd Control Simulator. Combat is aggressive, tactical, and merciless.


    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: Windows 10
    • Suoritin: Intel 64-bit
    • Muisti: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: GTX 1050
    • DirectX: Versio 11
    • Tallennus: 8 GB kiintolevytilaa
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