Guinea Pig Parkour® is a hand-drawn, comedy parkour platformer adventure, presented as a lost '90s animated cartoon show. Run, jump, flip, vault, and climb through '90s inspired cartoon worlds. Featuring painstakingly crafted, fluid, hand-drawn, frame-by-frame animation - all made by one artist.
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About This Game

Guinea Pig Parkour® is a completely hand-drawn 2D platformer with adventure elements, drawing heavy inspiration from '90s animated cartoons and games. It is animated and developed completely by one artist, Jeff Mumm, and features music and SFX by Fat Bard.

Run, jump, swing, flip, vault, climb, crawl, and parkour through classic platformer inspired levels. Talk to, interact with, help, and annoy a host of funny characters as you progress through a "lost '90s cartoon episode."

Each animation in Guinea Pig Parkour is completely hand-drawn, frame-by-frame at 24 frames per second - every single frame a different drawing - to capture the full, fluid quality of traditional animation.

System Requirements

    • OS *: Windows 7 and above
    • Processor: i3
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Intel HD 4000
    • Storage: 500 MB available space
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.
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