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The Day Before offers players a uniquely reimagined journey into post-apocalyptic open-world MMO survival set in the present day on the US East Coast following a deadly pandemic.
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Early Access -peli

Voit pelata näitä pelejä viipymättä – jo niiden kehitysvaiheessa.

Huomaa: Early Access -pelit ovat keskeneräisiä ja saattavat vielä muuttua. Jos et halua pelata peliä sen tämänhetkisessä tilassa, odota ja tarkista peli myöhemmin uudelleen. Lue lisää

Huomaa: viimeisin kehittäjien tekemä päivitys tapahtui yli 14 kuukautta sitten. Kehittäjien tässä kuvaamat tiedot ja aikajana eivät välttämättä ole enää ajan tasalla.
Kehittäjien kertomaa:

Miksi Early Access?

The game is in Early Access because this is our first huge game at Fntastic, and there may be unforeseen circumstances. Early Access also allows us to refine and improve the game in collaboration with the Community.

Miten kauan peli tulee arviolta olemaan Early Access -vaiheessa?

We are hoping to be in early access for around 6-8 months, but this could change. The full version will be released when we are confident that it represents the best version of the game possible.

Millä tavoin lopullinen versio tulee eroamaan Early Access -versiosta?

Besides bug fixes and improvements to balance and core gameplay, we plan to introduce additional content to the game, such as new items, weapons, equipment, cars, and houses.

Mikä on Early Access -version tila tällä hetkellä?

The game is playable in multiplayer, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in a post-apocalyptic open-world MMO survival set in the present day on the US East Coast following a deadly pandemic.

Players can explore the beautifully detailed New Fortune City and its surroundings, fight each other using realistic weapons, complete quests, build their own houses, buy cars, experience day/night changes, and face deadly infected.

We have implemented everything we wanted for the game, based on our vision of a post-pandemic survival experience.

Muuttuuko pelin hinta Early Access -vaiheen jälkeen?

The price of the game will increase in full release. Those who purchase the Early Access version will not need to repurchase the full version.

Miten yhteisö otetaan mukaan kehitysprosessiin?

We will be taking feedback and suggestions from both the Community here on Steam and across social media.
Lue lisää
Huomio: The Day Before ei ole enää saatavilla Steam-kaupassa.
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Tietoa pelistä

The Day Before offers players a uniquely reimagined journey into post-apocalyptic open-world MMO survival set in the present day on the US East Coast following a deadly pandemic.


  • Fight other players for survival.
  • Survive against the deadly infected.
  • Collect valuable loot.


  • Explore the beautiful and richly detailed New Fortune City.
  • Enter tall skyscrapers, business centers, massive malls, grand stadiums, and more.
  • Uncover distant surroundings of New Fortune City on stunningly detailed vehicles.


  • Join the Woodberry survivor colony on its mission to rebuild society.
  • Trade items in Woodberry and save your wealth in a personal storage room.
  • Build your own home in the safe zone.

Sovelluksen The Day Before arvostelut


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