Overlay custom crosshairs on every game you play. Choose from thousands of unique crosshairs created by the Crosshair X community or design your own using the designer.
Nylige anmeldelser:
Veldig positive (1,391) - 94 % av de 1,391 brukeranmeldelsene fra de siste 30 dagene er positive.
Alle anmeldelser:
Veldig positive (26,692) - 93 % av 26,692 brukeranmeldelser for dette programmet er positive.
1. juni 2020

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Kjøp Crosshair X

Kjøp Precision & Productivity Pack PAKKE (?)

Inkluderer 2 produkt: Crosshair X, Clipbase

HK$ 106.39

Om denne programvaren

Get a competitive edge by customizing your crosshair to be clear and precise on every game you play. You can start out with a featured pro Crosshair or a community design, then make adjustments to create a custom gaming solution that takes your aim to the next level.


  • Community: Explore thousands of designs created by the Crosshair X community
  • Designer: Easy to use sliders let you adjust all features of your crosshair
  • Exclusive Fullscreen with Game Bar Extension: Game bar is a trusted and secure game overlay platform that is built by Microsoft for PC gamers. This is by far the safest and most secure way to overlay games.
  • Share: Share your favorite designs with your friends
  • Images: Upload any image you want to overlay as a Crosshair
  • Toggle: Toggle the visibility of your crosshair with many different mouse states and keyboard shortcuts
  • Positions: Display your crosshair on any monitor and manage saved positions for different games
  • Export: Save your crosshair to your computer as a .PNG or .SVG

Customization Options:

  • Lines: Opacity, Length, Width, Offset, Color, Blur, Rotation
  • Center dot: Opacity, Size, Color, Blur
  • Outlines: Opacity, Thickness, Color, Blur
  • T-Shape: Remove top Crosshair arm never, always, or only when firing
  • Bloom: Make the crosshair spread apart when firing
  • Location: Adjust the X and Y coordinates of the crosshair


    • OS: Windows 10
    • OS: Windows 11

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