A dark, dramatic medieval visual novel. On a stage at the boundary between life and death, an actress struggles through her hardest performance—directed by a jester, she relives her past for the the prize of resurrection...
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15. sep. 2020

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Contains blood, gore, partial nudity, textual depictions of torture and sexual assault, including non-consensual sex, and references to drugs or alcohol. All characters are over the age of 18.

Om spillet

This is the “ comedy” of Salthe

A jester turns a human life to comedy,
and weaves a thrilling tale of Salthe's memory.

How did Salthe die, at the end of despair?
Join us, audience, as we wind our way there.

“ Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.”

At the end of a journey of blood, despair, regret, and madness—
a stage perched on the razor's edge dividing life and death.
With no audience to cheer, at a jester's direction, Salthe performs her past.
To learn the reason for her death.
To return to the world of life.
Each scene is full of scorn and mockery,
she writhes and struggles, through to the end
of the tale of Salthe's life—a comedy——

Dramatis Personae

  • Salthe: The star of this performance, known far and wide as the finest actress in Mersin's national theatre troupe. Clever and competent, she has always balanced her stage work and her royal duties with skill. Now she relives her time as Mersin's crown princess while searching for the reason for her death on Kloun's phantasmagoric stage.
  • Marie: A kind-hearted nun, Salthe's childhood friend. Lives alone in a church outside town, where she cares for children who have lost their parents. The orphanage's finances are dire, but she keeps a cheerful smile while making ends meet. She'll never back down once her mind is made up. Salthe has been helping her look for adoptive parents for the orphans.
  • Kloun: An enigmatic jester who grants Salthe a chance to return to life from the liminal stage. Professes to be Salthe's friend, but never drops a theatrical facade.

Break a leg...


    • OS *: Windows 7/8/8.1/10
    • Prosessor: 2GHz or higher
    • Minne: 2 GB RAM
    • DirectX: Versjon 9.0c
    • Lagring: 2800 MB tilgjengelig plass
    • OS *: Windows 7/8/8.1/10
    • Prosessor: 2.66GHz or higher
    • Minne: 4 GB RAM
    • DirectX: Versjon 9.0c
    • Lagring: 4200 MB tilgjengelig plass
    • Tilleggsmerknader: 1280x720 (Full Color)
* Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.

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