Go on a tile-hopping journey with Limiter, an AI programmed to see the world in puzzles. Master bouncing 2 spaces at a time through 7 challenging chapters, restore power to every tile and bring the ARCANE system back online in this addictive and challenging puzzle game by Alex Knowles.
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1. juli 2020

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Download Limiter! Demo

Limiter! Demo

Køb Limiter!

HK$ 38.00

Om dette spil

Master bouncing 2 spaces at a time through 7 challenging chapters, restore power to every tile and bring the ARCANE system back online.
Just moving around in Limiter! is addictive. Use the unique movement system to navigate not just the puzzles, but the world map too!

Try out the first two worlds in a free demo!
Did you get addicted to the puzzles and hooked on the story? Your save data will carry over when you buy the full game!

Play as Limiter, an AI programmed to see the world in puzzles.
The player and the character blend together in a truly unique narrative experience about learning and what makes us who we are.
Explore a long forgotten computer network called ARCANE and bring the lights back on.

Restore power to the system.
Find harder puzzles.
Feel better.

Features an incredible original soundtrack by the talented Lukepi. Plug in some headphones and watch the trailer for a preview of the atmopsheric and funky beats.
Full soundtrack available for purchase now at:

Create your own levels! Every world you complete in the story unlocks more level parts to be used until the only limit is your own imagination!
Easily create, test and share as many levels as you can think of using the same tools as the developer!


    • Styresystem: Windows Any
    • Processor: Any
    • Hukommelse: 132 MB RAM
    • Grafik: Intel HD Graphics 500
    • Diskplads: 89 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: Yes
    • Diskplads: 89 MB tilgængelig plads

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