Use our innovative patented funky fresh ChairF*cker simulation tech to meet the chair of your wildest dreams.
Alle anmeldelser:
Overvældende positive (573) - 95% af de 573 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
7. juli 2020

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Køb Chair F*cking Simulator

HK$ 13.00


“Well this is just going to live inside my steam account forever now, isn't it”
Barry Kramer

“What have I done what have I done what have I done”

“I was using chairs the wrong way this whole time”

Om dette spil

ChairF*cker is an immersive, engaging gaming "experience" that helps players connect with not only themselves, but the world around them. Nowadays with phones, texting, massive pandemic events, this story needs to be told: The story of a soul, looking to reach out and connect. ChairF*cker is the story of love and loneliness in dark times. ChairF*cker is an experience where gamers get to really saddle up and settle into hardcore chair intercourse twitch gaming. Every second counts in this intense, society-challenging game.

Lock on

and fire away with over 100,000,000+ infinitely unique chair dating experiences until the sun dies. Enjoy the DEPTH of the story by reading chairs' dating profiles. F*ck those chairs if you want. Choose which chairs to f*ck! Call chairs on the phone! SCREAM LIKE A VERY LOUD GOAT!
Open a portal to hell, but beware of what's on the other side! It's a chair! Or is it yourself.

Get your gamer eggs in a tizzy with this Simulation

  • Blast your way through 1 environment
  • Learn the dark truth behind every Chair, what secrets unite them?
  • Bump your way to the top of the chair pile
  • Truly control the impact of your pelvic thrusts
  • Menus
  • Animation!
  • Clicking
  • Double clicking
  • Save game data!
  • Amazing!

What People Are Saying about this Bustin' Simulation Technology (BST)

"Well this is just going to live inside my steam account forever now, isn't it" - Barry Kramer

"What have I done what have I done what have I done" - Markiplier

"I'd much rather go around pretending to f*ck chairs ... over pretending to f*ck my relatives any day" -Minion_of_Luna

"Finally something for the hardcore chair/marshmallow niche" - Ronia

"I was using chairs the wrong way this whole time" - Warlord21

"This incredible artistic labor of love provides the user with unique and inspirational gameplay experiences coupled with a rich and soul-searching narrative as they relive - or encounter for the first time - the simple, yet deeply spiritual connection between a human and their sedentary resting device. Such riveting, oft-epiphanic transcendental life events, previously only achievable whilst supine, recumbent anterior to the earth, have been lovingly and painstakingly recreated by the authors of Chair F*cking Simulator, allowing generations worldwide to create cherished memories.
Perfect for any private or office environments, this magnificent feat of creative innovation and interactive, personalized storytelling concocts an extravagant bodily solace experience to both the user in repose and the high-energy professional paradigm of today. A luxurious union of opulent indulgence seamlessly combined with rich familiarity that both titillates and enriches."
- Toastedsnow

"Still a better love story than Twilight" -Revotur

"Better rating than Overwatch 2" -Erik Fury

Beskrivelse af voksenindhold

Udviklerne beskriver indholdet således:

Cartoonish references to passionate chair fucking, but no blatant genitalia. Lots of fucking cussing tho. Shit.


    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
    • Styresystem: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1
    • Processor: 2GHz
    • Hukommelse: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafik: 512 MB
    • Diskplads: 460 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem

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