Final chapter of the trilogy. In a world where memory can be controlled, everyone is selling their souls. "I" have left everything behind, except the girl named Yin who still remains in my mind. At the end of my life, should I die with a beautiful fantasy, or go in search of sad memories of her?
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Osta Epiphyllum in Love

ERIKOISTARJOUS! Tarjous päättyy 10. maaliskuuta

HK$ 23.00
HK$ 13.80

Osta Epiphyllum in Love Game and OST Bundle PAKETTI (?)

Sisältää 2 tuotetta: Epiphyllum in Love, 昙花 Soundtrack

HK$ 27.00
HK$ 18.72

Osta Tiny Dream - Bundle PAKETTI (?)

Sisältää 6 tuotetta: Dream Ending, Tiny Snow - Original Soundtrack, Dream Ending - Drama, Tiny Dream Epiphyllum - Official Artworks, Epiphyllum in Love, Tiny Snow

HK$ 76.50
HK$ 45.90

Tietoa pelistä


  • One school, one girl.
    A bunch of blossoms, a stack of postcards.
    A warm but blurred memory.

    And ......
    A world without regrets.


  • As technology evolves, memories became controllable.
    Subsequently, the soul becomes a commodity.
    Every memory has a price and can be bought and sold.

    The main character is a person who has sold his memory.
    But there is always a girl in his mind who cannot be forgotten.

    Who is this girl named "Yin"?
    What was the past between her and "me"?
    When all the memories are discarded,
    What should we do to find our true selves?
    Should we die with a beautiful fantasy?
    Or should we search for the sad memories of her?

    The final chapter of the #workshop short-story trilogy:


  • A story of two intertwined worlds.
  • Cute characters and CG.
  • Carefully written short story.

  • 【Yin】
    "I" have met her before, but there is no memory of this girl.
    She was shy and scared like a small animal, and was difficult to approach.
    But it seems to have some good feeling for "me", trying to approach "me".

  • 【Ling】
    The girl "I" met by chance, and in the same school with "me".
    Her personality is cheerful and lively, but also very active. People are difficult to understand her.
    Claims to be "my" ex-girlfriend ...... but does not look like it.

  • 【Ms. Xu】
    The teacher at the school, who is in charge of "my" class.
    A very responsible teacher who tried to make "me" adapt to the new environment.

Aikuissisällön kuvaus

Kehittäjät ovat kuvailleet sisältöä seuraavasti:

The game contains a few sexual innuendo and blue jokes, A few sexual fantasies in part of the plot. All the characters are above 18.


    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: WIN7 SP1/WIN8/WIN10
    • Suoritin: 1000MHz
    • Muisti: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: OpenGL 2.0
    • Tallennus: 500 MB kiintolevytilaa

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