VReken is a physics driven VR beat 'em up and self-defense trainer that puts you in control! Unleash your inner fighter in realistic street fights against motion-captured enemies. Punch, headbutt and kick (with additional trackers) your way through intense situations in immersive urban environments.
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3 brugeranmeldelser - Flere anmeldelser krævet for at generere en score
12. okt. 2023

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Hvad udviklerne har at sige:

Hvorfor tidlig adgang?

“VReken Early Access is for VR and fighting enthusiasts. It gives you the opportunity to play the game before the release and participate in its development by giving feedback, suggestions, reporting bugs and helping improve compatibility with untested VR devices.”

Hvor lang tid vil dette spil være i tidlig adgang?

“Early access is currently planned for about two years, but the scope and duration can change.”

Hvorledes kommer den fulde version til at være anderledes end produktet i tidlig adgang?

“- Increased compatibility (more tested VR devices)
- More environments/locations
- More enemy types
- Weapons
- Additional game modes
- Background music and sound effects
- Redesigned Training room
- Achievements
- Game will be more polished and balanced (score, damage, skills, difficulty)”

Hvad er den nuværende tilstand for versionen med tidlig adgang?

“The game is completely playable and tested with 3 headsets (HTC Vive, Valve Index and HP Reverb G2) and HTC trackers (1.0 and 2.0). There can be controller compatibility issues with untested VR devices.
Current status:
- The core game mechanics (movement and fighting) are implemented
- 5 different enemy types with different skills
- 4 different environment types and 8 fighting locations
- Basic sound FX
- Usable as a fun party game.
- Some bugs, glitches
- Updates can break things (like saves).
- There is beta branch to test newest build and default branch for more conservative players”

Ændrer spillets pris sig under og efter tidlig adgang?

“Currently there are no plans to change the pricing after Early Access. However, the price can slightly increase as new content and features are added.”

Hvordan har I tænkt jer at involvere fællesskabet i jeres udviklingsproces?

“Player feedback is crucial to improve the game. All players are welcome to join our server and Steam community discussion boards where they can communicate with developer and other players. Development decisions and priorities will be determined based on the feedback and suggestions.”
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Køb VReken

HK$ 109.00
HK$ 87.20
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The most realistic street fighting experience in VR.

You can:
- Punch, block, parry, grab, throw and kick (with 2 additional trackers)
- Use weapons and smack enemy heads into the surrounding environment
- Practice sparring, bobbing and weaving without risking a concussion
- Practice and test punching speed with Punch-O-Meter dummy
- Have a fight or sparring without partner and anytime
- Practice self-defense in different situations

Om dette spil

VReken is a physics driven Beat' em Up and a self-defense trainer bulit for VR.

Have you ever played a fighting game wishing you were there, because of bad controls and you felt that you can fight better than the character you are controlling?


- Motion captured enemy fighting moves
- Physical reactions and animations
- Ragdoll animations
- Enemies with different skill levels
- Enemies can hit each other as well as player
- Slow motions
- Smartwatch menu system
- Dummy Punch-O-Meter to test your punching speed
- Foot trackers supported for kicking


- Unlimited time
- All the features
- In active development and gets all the updates
- Subway levels only
- No ads or nag screens

All the feedback is greatly appreciated.


    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
    • Styresystem: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel Core i5-4590 / AMD FX 8350
    • Hukommelse: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafik: GeForce GTX 1050Ti
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Diskplads: 10 GB tilgængelig plads
    • VR-understøttelse: SteamVR. Standing or Room Scale
    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
    • Styresystem: Windows 10
    • Processor: 4 GHz 8 threads
    • Hukommelse: 16 MB RAM
    • Grafik: GeForce RTX 2070
    • DirectX: Version 12
    • Diskplads: 10 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Yderligere bemærkninger: 2 additional trackers for feet and wireless headset

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