Create a perfect chain of cause and effect in Reina & Jericho, an intense story-driven adventure through a fortress defended by Reina's worst enemies. Confront Reina's past, present, and future as she battles her foes and bends time itself.
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Tải xuống Reina and Jericho Demo

Reina & Jericho Steam Next Fest Demo
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Đánh giá

“Fans of Metroidvanias should definitely keep an eye on this title.”
Screen Rant

“Reina and Jericho has all it needs to be a strong entry in the genre.”

“Reina and Jericho...blends demanding platforming with a wide-open map full of hazards.”

Về trò chơi này

Caught unprepared and unarmed, Reina must find a way to rescue a prisoner and break out of the underground fortress they are both trapped within. Carrying a powerful artifact she didn’t know existed, she must master its abilities and defeat the evil tyrant standing before her freedom before it’s too late.

Find powerful artifacts through exploration or by defeating adversaries. Travel back through time to previously impassable obstacles and overcome them with the knowledge and abilities Reina has acquired. Create the perfect chain of cause and effect. Find a Way.

  • Explore multiple environments, time-travel, and the impact different choices have on the future
  • Solve time-bending puzzles that rely on the player's ability to manipulate cause and effect
  • Fast-paced melee combat that allows for expressive play by combining Reina's diverse combat abilities
  • Exciting platforming action
  • A touching story about love, loss, and finding the strength to push forward
  • Player-influenced story developments, a built-in randomizer, and speedrun mode provide endless replayability
  • Original piano-driven soundtrack with acoustic and synthetic instruments

Yêu cầu hệ thống

    Tối thiểu:
    • Yêu cầu vi xử lý và hệ điều hành đều chạy 64-bit
    • HĐH *: Windows 7
    • Bộ xử lý: i5-3600K
    • Bộ nhớ: 8 GB RAM
    • Đồ họa: GeForce 760 or equivalent
    Khuyến nghị:
    • Yêu cầu vi xử lý và hệ điều hành đều chạy 64-bit
    • Bộ nhớ: 16 GB RAM
* Bắt đầu từ 01/01/2024, phần mềm Steam chỉ hỗ trợ từ Windows 10 trở lên.
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