Ardenfall is an immersive RPG set in a world of intricate politics and ancient cultures. Explore flowing plains, rain drenched wetlands, and forgotten dungeons full of danger. Meet countless interesting characters with unique dialog and quests, and leave your mark on this mysterious world.
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Geplantes Veröffentlichungsdatum: Bevorstehende Ankündigung

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Infos zum Spiel

➤ Explore a Breathtaking and Alien World

The Isle of Ardenfall is a diverse landscape of windy plains, flooded wetlands, ancient ruins, and winding caves. As you explore the compact open world and deep dark dungeons you will discover countless secrets, dangerous monsters, and interesting characters.

➤ Make Your Mark on a Changing World

As you complete quests and join various factions, your decisions will affect the world of Ardenfall. Economics of regions will shift at the swing of your blade, and the citizens will remember your decisions.

➤ Create your Character Your Own Way

How you craft your character will have long term consequences - choose your character’s race, tattoos, attributes, traits, and more. These decisions will unlock dialog options, alter your strengths and weaknesses, and even define how others trust (or distrust) your character!

➤ Defeat Your Foes With Sandbox Combat Mechanics

Choose your weapon. Now choose another. If you are stuck, there’s always more options to get you out of a bind - a throwing potion, a single use spell, or a throwing knife of fire may do the trick. A mage specialized in summoning may spawn a great beast to do their bidding, while a thief may toss a potion of silence on their targets to ensure a clean kill.

➤Meet Countless Interesting Characters

Interact with a unique range of characters across the world, each with different perspectives, beliefs, and culture. Building trust with the people of Ardenfall unlocks new paths in your journey - you may however need to charm, convince or lie to get what you desire.

It’s time for your adventure to begin, Outsider.

Beschreibung nicht jugendfreier Inhalte

Der Entwickler beschreibt die Inhalte wie folgt:

Dieses Spiel enthält möglicherweise Inhalte, die nicht für alle Altersklassen oder zum Ansehen am Arbeitsplatz geeignet sind: Allgemeine nicht jugendfreie Inhalte


    • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
    • Betriebssystem: 64-bit Windows 10
    • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
    • Betriebssystem: 64-bit Windows 10
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