VR Giants is a local coop VR game in which one VR player and one gamepad player work together. The VR player controls a giant and must protect and support the tiny player who is controlled by the screen player. The tiny player can use the body of the giant as an extension of the level.
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Очень положительные (135) - 88% из 135 обзоров положительные.
Дата выхода:
14 июн. 2023 г.

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Примечание: игры в раннем доступе находятся на стадии разработки. Они могут измениться в будущем или остаться в текущем состоянии, так что, если вам не по вкусу то, что игра может предложить сейчас, рекомендуем дождаться её дальнейшего развития. Узнать больше

Сообщение от разработчиков

Почему ранний доступ?

«The game is already a great experience, but for the final phase of development, we want to know what the community wants and likes about it to guide us in our efforts of making the best game we possibly can.»

Сколько примерно эта игра будет в раннем доступе?

«The current plan is to release the game in late 2024; however, this may change depending on how the final development phases go and what features our community requests.»

Чем планируемая полная версия будет отличаться от версии в раннем доступе?

«We are going to add more levels and add an outro to conclude the main story. We will also optimize the game to run on lower-spec systems. Additionally, we will incorporate more visual and sound effects and polish it properly.»

Каково текущее состояние версии в раннем доступе?

«The current build includes 22 engaging levels, collectible cosmetics for completionists, and an average playtime of about 8 hours.»

Изменится ли цена игры после выхода из раннего доступа?

«The price might increase during early access and/or upon final release.»

Как вы планируете вовлекать сообщество в разработку игры?

«We are looking forward to hearing the ideas of our players to guide the remaining development of the game. You can join the discussion in the community or our Discord channel.»

Только VR

Купить VR Giants

Купить Mind Bending VR Bundle — НАБОР (?)

Включенные товары (2): We Are One, VR Giants

HK$ 152.80

Купить Helping Hand Bundle — НАБОР (?)

Включенные товары (2): Carly and the Reaperman - Escape from the Underworld, VR Giants

HK$ 171.20
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“It's lots of fun, solves the problem of vr where you watch you friends play ... now you can play together”

“It's an astronomical local co-op vr puzzle plattformer. That's why this game is amazing"”

“This game is amazing!”

Об этой игре

The Game:

A VR player and a screen player play together on one PC in the same virtual world. The VR player becomes a giant and the screen player controls a tiny person. Only by working together they can solve the puzzles and regain their freedom.

VR Giants sparks joy and teaches kindness and team communication in a fun and intuitive way by making use of the unique technological feature of two completely different input devices.

Before you play:

The game is designed to be accessible to players of all skill levels, allowing for fun experiences with friends, family, or significant others.
You will require a 2m*2m play area. Please make sure your play area is set up properly before starting VR Giants.
WARNING: VR Giants requires the VR player to move very actively (getting on their knees, moving up and down and so on). Please only play on your own responsibility and take breaks if you should feel any fatigue.


In VR Giants locomotion works significantly different than in other VR games: It is not the giant player that can choose their own position inside the virtual world, but it is the tiny player that changes the giant’s position by stepping on buttons to activate new play areas.

Enjoy intricate puzzles on your adventures through deserts, icebergs, lava caves and pastures to rescue David's lost sheep. Learn how to use Goliath different states to your advantage such as:
  • Solid Goliath: The giant is summoned by a button that is pressed once and can be released afterwards.
  • Temporary Goliath: Goliath appears at a play area only as long as David continuously presses the button.
  • Fire Goliath: The giant is made from lava and must not touch David or any wooden objects.

Play your adventures without dying and get great rewards like cosmetics.

Системные требования

    • ОС: Windows 10, 64 Bit
    • Процессор: Intel Core i7-6700
    • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
    • Видеокарта: GTX 1070
    • DirectX: версии 11
    • Поддержка VR: SteamVR. Quest (linked), WMR, HTC Vive, Index, PicoNeo (linked), Room Scale 2m by 2m area required
    • Дополнительно: 2m*2m play area is required. No less!
    • ОС: Windows 10, 64 Bit
    • Процессор: Intel Core i7-6700
    • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
    • Видеокарта: RTX 2070
    • DirectX: версии 11
    • Дополнительно: 2m*2m play area is required. No less!

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