Om dit te kunnen spelen, moet je het originele spel Rento Fortune: Online Dice Board Game (大富翁) hebben.

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Verdeeld (52) - 51% van de 52 gebruikersrecensies voor dit spel zijn positief.
6 mei 2019

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Om dit te kunnen spelen, moet je het originele spel Rento Fortune: Online Dice Board Game (大富翁) hebben.

Rento Fortune - Map Editor kopen


Over deze content

Rento Map Editor will allow you to create custom maps for Rento game and use them to play with your friends online or alone in solo mode.

The map editor supports editing the following in-game items:
  • Position and type of each property
  • Name of the properties
  • Price of the properties
  • Vault cards

The map editor will also give you the option to exclude some of the colored properties and add other in their place.
You can also create a board that contains the names of your home country towns, or your towns main street names or places.

Running the map editor

To run the map editor, simply open Rento game from your Steam library as before.
You will see new option to launch the map editor:

*Note: When you create new multiplayer game with your own custom board, you must set a password.

Good luck!


    • Besturingssysteem *: Windows XP, Windows 7, 8, 10
    • Processor: Intel / AMD x86 / x64 Any 1+ GHz
    • Geheugen: 512 MB RAM
    • DirectX: Versie 9.0
    • Opslagruimte: 500 MB beschikbare ruimte
    • Geluidskaart: Any
* Vanaf 1 januari 2024 ondersteunt de Steam-client alleen Windows 10 en latere versies.

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