Honk, blow, & toot your way through over 60 songs, collect all 50 unique Tromboner Cards, and uncover the mysteries of the Trombiverse. Do you have what it takes to become the true Trombone Champ?
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Meget positive (44) - 100% af de 44 brugeranmeldelser fra de seneste 30 dage er positive.
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Overvældende positive (8,927) - 98% af de 8,927 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
15. sep. 2022

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Se hele Trombone Champ-samlingen på Steam


“For $15, Trombone Champ is a bargain–and other people’s talk of it being a GOTY contender aren’t wrong, because it’ll last much longer in the memory than 95% of this year’s challengers.”

“Trombone Champ is a musical journey, a puzzle game, and a trivia teacher. Most of all? It's my religion. The game is sloppy, hard, and hilarious, and it's the only title to contend with my presumptive game of the year, Elden Ring.”

“Trombone Champ managed to elicit the kind of guttural, delightfully awful cackle from me that hasn't exited my body in years.”
PC Gamer

Om dette spil

Trombone Champ is the world's first trombone-based rhythm music game. Unlike most music games, you can freely play any note at any time. You're not just following along with the music, you're actually playing the music!

  • Toot your way through over 60 tracks. The better you play, the more toots you earn!

  • Collect all 50 Tromboner Cards!

  • Baboons on nearly every screen!

  • Improvise and play whatever you want in Freeplay Mode!

  • Uncover the secrets of the Trombiverse and become the True Trombone Champ!

  • Absolutely zero microtransactions!

  • Appropriate for all ages!


Trombone Champ features over 60 tracks, which include anthems, marches, classical pieces, electronica, folk classics, and more. The game also includes tracks from exciting guest artists. Each track has a unique animated background that moves with the music!

Tromboner Cards

Use the "Toots" you earn from playing songs to purchase sacks of Tromboner Cards. These cards can be used to unlock new tromboners, new trombone colors, and other mysteries!


Using a mouse, move your arm forward and back (as if you were holding a trombone slide), and the pitch of the note will slide up and down to match! Click or use the keyboard to blow! The sounds your trombone makes are completely controlled by you. The closer you are to the music track, the more points you will earn, but you have the freedom to play anything you want at any time!


Nearly every screen in the game, beginning with the main menu, features one or more baboons. You won't believe how many baboons there are in this game! As you discover the secrets of the Trombiverse, their purpose may become clear... but only a true Trombone Champ will uncover their full meaning.


    • Styresystem *: Windows 7
    • Processor: Intel 3rd generation Core (ie. Core i7-3770) or higher
    • Hukommelse: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafik: Intel HD 4000 or higher
    • Diskplads: 723 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: Integrated
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.
    • Styresystem: Mac OS Catalina (10.15)
    • Processor: 2.2GHz Intel Core i7
    • Hukommelse: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafik: Integrated Intel Graphics
    • Diskplads: 738 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Yderligere bemærkninger: Recommended minimum: 2015 Macbook Pro or Equivalent
    • Hukommelse: 16 GB RAM

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