Wingspan is a relaxing, award-winning strategy card game about birds for 1 to 5 players. Each bird you play extends a chain of powerful combinations in one of your three habitats. Your goal is to discover and attract the best birds to your network of wildlife preserves.
Viimeaikaiset arvostelut:
Erittäin myönteinen (98) - Edellisten 30 päivän aikana laaditusta 98 arvostelusta 94 % on myönteisiä.
Kaikki arvostelut:
Erittäin myönteinen (8,250) - 94 % pelin 8,250 arvosteluista on myönteisiä.

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Wingspan -versiot

Osta Wingspan

HK$ 119.00

Osta Wingspan + European Expansion + Oceania Expansion PAKETTI (?)

Sisältää 3 tuotetta: Wingspan, Wingspan: European Expansion, Wingspan: Oceania Expansion

HK$ 249.85

Osta Birds and Cats PAKETTI (?)

Sisältää 2 tuotetta: Wingspan, Quilts and Cats of Calico

HK$ 202.30
HK$ 182.07


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Wingspan - Relaxing Strategy Card Game About Birds for 1 to 5 players.

The officially licensed digital adaptation of Wingspan, the winner of the prestigious 2019 Kennerspiel des Jahres board game award.

You are bird enthusiasts—researchers, bird watchers, ornithologists, and collectors—seeking to discover and attract the best birds to your network of wildlife preserves. Each bird extends a chain of powerful combinations in one of your habitats. Each habitat focuses on a key aspect of the growth of your preserves.

In Wingspan up to 5 players compete to build up their nature preserves in a limited number of turns. Each beautiful bird that you add to your preserve makes you better at laying eggs, drawing cards, or gathering food. Many of the 170 unique birds have powers that echo real life: your hawks will hunt, your pelicans will fish, and your geese will form a flock.


  • Relaxing strategy card game where your goal is to discover and attract the best birds.
  • Single player and multiplayer modes for up to five players.
  • Based on award winning, competitive, card-driven, engine-building board game.
  • Hundreds of unique, animated birds with their real life sound recordings.
  • Multiple ways to accumulate points with birds, bonus cards and end-of-round goals.


    • Käyttöjärjestelmä *: Microsoft® Windows® 7 / 8 / 10 64 Bit
    • Suoritin: i5-2430M
    • Muisti: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: Nvidia GT540
    • Tallennus: 2 GB kiintolevytilaa
    • Äänikortti: DirectX compatible
* 1.1.24 alkaen Steam-asiakasohjelma tukee vain Windows 10:tä ja uudempia versioita.
    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: macOS 10.11
    • Suoritin: i5
    • Muisti: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: Intel HD Graphics 6000
    • Tallennus: 2 GB kiintolevytilaa

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