Quit your job and build an exciting startup! Survive the tech bubble, compete with rival CEOs and expand your office from bedroom programmer up to the heights of global corporate sabotage! As long as you don't get hacked... or kidnapped...
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Tanggal Rilis:
20 Jan 2022

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Beli Startup Panic



“Quite the upgrade on previous management games.”
4/5 – PocketGamer

Tentang Game Ini

living the Dream

Manage your time as a bedroom programmer. Pick projects, contract-work and vacation days to get by, then start to build some passive income through your startup.
Beware though: Once you start hiring your first employees and upgrading your office, you'll attract the attention of competing businesses...

don't Panic!

  • You decide how each project goes and what to focus on
  • Spend a week training your staff, or earning money, or building features... but choose wisely!
  • Upgrade your company in the skill tree: Will you take longer vacations or cheaper air-co?
  • Hunt for new employees and hire the ones that fit your style: Social butterfly? Marketing expert? Lone Wolf?
  • Compete with rival CEOs for new users in your region, and then expand out by building new headquarters on a world map!
  • Hurting for cash? You can take out a loan or search for investors, but don't think it'll come for free...

Persyaratan Sistem

    • OS *: Windows 8 and up
    • Prosesor: 2Ghz and up
    • Memori: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafis: Integrated toaster
    • Penyimpanan: 1 GB ruang tersedia
    • Kartu suara: Stereo
    • Catatan Tambahan: Startup Panic is not intense on the hardware
* Mulai 1 Januari 2024, Steam Client hanya akan mendukung Windows 10 dan versi yang lebih baru.

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