Drive races and build your own vehicle. Find your racetrack on one of many maps. Try it out if you feel like it and beat your best time. But the game is not yet finished, from time to time it will expand and offer even more options.
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Pek Yakında Erkem Erişim'de

Bu oyunun geliştiricileri oyunu, oyuncuların geri bildirimleriyle birlikte geliştirecek şekilde tamamlanmadan çıkarmayı planlıyor.

Not: Erken Erişim aşamasında olan oyunlar geliştirme boyunca önemli ölçüde değişebilir ya da değişmeyebilir. Eğer oyunu bu aşamada oynamak için çok hevesli değilseniz oyunun geliştirilme sürecinde ilerlemesini beklemek isteyebilirsiniz. Daha fazla bilgi edinin.

Geliştirici ürün hakkında ne diyor:

Neden Erken Erişim?

"The game is far from the quality it should get. In addition, a lot of planned content is still missing. With Early Access I try to find people who can test the game and also give feedback on what can be done better."

Bu oyun ne kadar süre için Erken Erişim'de olacak?

"Since updates come rather irregularly and I am working on them as a developer as a hobby, the game will probably retain early access status for 2 to 3 years."

Erken Erişim versiyonunun tam versiyonundan ne kadar farklı olması planlanıyor?

"The name Grand Prototype was chosen because there is no precise plan where to go with the game. If the game should leave the Early Access version, it will be because the game feels good enough and is bug free if possible.
Up to the full version, the game will contain a multiplayer, a building system, weapons and cars, all of which can be customized."

Erken Erişim sürümünün şu anki durumu nedir?

"In my free time, I keep developing new functions or expanding the content.
At the moment you can customize and buy cars, you can run time races, optionally with COMs and you can try out the first shooter mechanics on a map. The player is also partially customizable."

Erken Erişim sırasında ve sonrasında oyunun fiyatı değişecek mi?

"I plan to gradually raise the price as we ship new content and features."

Topluluğu, geliştirme sürecine nasıl dahil etmeyi düşünüyorsunuz?

"You can report bugs to me or submit ideas for functions via the email These can then make it into the finished game. You can also submit ideas for vehicles, weapons or clothing. On request I can send you a template for this."
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Planlanan Çıkış Tarihi: Duyurulacak

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Bu Oyun Hakkında

What is Grand Prototype?
Grand Prototype is a game where you can do anything! Drive exciting races, tune your personal car, shoot your opponents to clear your way or explore the big wide world! The game content expands with many updates, so stay tuned!

What can I do?
There is a lot to discover in Grand Prototype. Race, break records, start your own business, go swimming, or just enjoy the scenery. Find a place you like and build your own little house and put your car in front of it so everyone knows who the boss is. Play as a human, robot or a completely different species and create new cool memories that are worth it!

It is your decision what you do in this world, the main thing is that you have fun!

The game is currently under development and some features are not yet available. But thanks to many new updates, there will regularly be cool new things, such as a multiplayer mode.

Sistem Gereksinimleri

    • 64-bit işlemci ve işletim sistemi gerektirir
    • İşletim Sistemi: Windows 10
    • İşlemci: Testing in Progress
    • Ekran Kartı: Testing in Progress
    • Ses Kartı: Testing in Progress
    • İlave Notlar: WIP
    • 64-bit işlemci ve işletim sistemi gerektirir
    • İşletim Sistemi: Windows 10
    • İşlemci: Testing in Progress
    • Ekran Kartı: Testing in Progress
    • Ses Kartı: Testing in Progress
    • İlave Notlar: WIP
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