Privacy Agreement
Release time: April 28, 2024
We welcome you to use the services provided by the official operations team of Doomsday Warrior. Doomsday Warrior is operated and distributed by TISU LIMITED. The official operation team of Doomsday Warrior, as an entertainment service provider, attaches great importance to user information security and privacy protection. To ensure the transparency of user information processing, protect user information and communication security, respect user information processing intentions, safeguard user privacy rights, and comply with relevant laws, regulations, and policies, this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") is formulated. Please carefully and fully read and understand the content of this policy so that you have a clear understanding of the methods in which the official operations team of Doomsday Warrior collects, stores, uses, and shares user information for you and other users when you accept or use the services provided by the official operations team of Doomsday Warrior. Based on a better understanding of the services provided by the official operations team of Doomsday Warrior, you can make appropriate choices according to your needs on whether to accept the services and what services to accept or use.
This agreement will help you understand the following content:
1、 How do we collect and use your personal information
2、 How do we use cookies and similar technologies
3、 How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information
4、 How do we store personal information
5、 How do we protect your personal information
6、 Manage your personal information
7、 Minors clause
8、 This agreement may be subject to change
9、 How to contact us
1、 How do we collect and use your personal information
(1) To provide you with the products and services provided by our company
1. Register as a user.
Fill in the information to complete the account creation. For example: your phone number, password, and created username. Mobile phone numbers belong to personal sensitive information. If you refuse to provide them, you will not be able to register and log in using the "mobile phone number login" method, but it does not affect your ability to register and log in through other methods, nor does it affect the normal use of other functions.
You can also use a third-party account to log in and use the APP. You will authorize us to obtain public information (such as avatars, nicknames, and other authorized information) registered on the third-party platform for binding with the APP account, allowing you to directly log in and use this product and related services.
2. Real name authentication
When you need to use the identity authentication function or related services, according to relevant laws and regulations, you may need to provide your real identity information (real name, ID card number, phone number) to complete the real name verification.
(2) Additional business functions
1. Additional features based on cameras/cameras. You can use this feature to take photos, upload avatars in your profile, and share after enabling camera/camera permissions.
2. Functionality based on positioning information. When you enable the device positioning function and use our location-based services, we will obtain your geographic location information through IP address, GPS, and WLAN or base station channels that can provide relevant information. This information belongs to sensitive information. Refusing to provide this information will only prevent you from using functions related to location information, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of the APP.
3. Voice function. If you wish to interact with other app users through voice, with your authorized consent, the app will access your microphone and provide you with voice chat functionality.
4. Payment function. Please note that the payment function is provided to you by third-party payment institutions that cooperate with us. Third party payment institutions may need to collect your name, bank card type and number, validity period, and mobile phone number. Bank card number, expiration date, and mobile phone number are personal sensitive information that is necessary for the payment function. Refusing to provide them will result in you being unable to use the function, but it will not affect the normal use of other functions.
5. Provide basic game functions, maintain network and operational security
(1) When you use our game services, we will collect your game log information: login log, item log, operation information, game match information, game friend information and interaction records, login account, game ID, search query content, IP address, browser type, telecommunications operator, network environment, language used, access date and time, and your browsing history of web pages visited, push open record, stay time, refresh record, publish record, follow, subscribe, save and share.
(2) To ensure your normal use of our game services, maintain the normal operation of basic game functions, enhance the gaming experience, and ensure account security, we will receive and record the device information you use: device name, device model, device serial number, operating system and version, client version, device resolution, package name, device settings, device identifier (MAC/IMEI/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM card IMSI information/SIM card information ICCID/OAID/VAID/AAID), Wi Fi status/parameters, Wi Fi access point name (SSID), router Mac address (BSSID), software and hardware feature information, IP address. In order to collect the basic personal device information mentioned above, we will apply for access to your device information in necessary scenarios. With the support of your device configuration, in some of our game products, in order to achieve animated display effects of in-game scene images and assist in positioning, we will collect sensor information of your device based on mobile device posture to quickly adjust the game perspective (depending on different scenes, we will collect information of acceleration sensors, gravity sensors, rotation vector sensors, magnetic field sensors, and gyroscope sensors).
(3) In addition, we may also collect your other information for the reasonable needs of providing services and improving service quality, including the relevant information you provided when contacting our customer service team, the relevant information we collected when you interacted with affiliated parties and partners of number authentication, as detailed in the "Third Party SDK Catalog" in this agreement.
(4) To ensure account security, identify and prevent malicious programs, and create a fair, healthy, and safe gaming environment, we will collect your device identifier information, game recognition information, hardware and operating system information, installed application list, application process and game crash records, and device sensor information during your use of gaming services, including application backend operation, to combat behaviors that disrupt the fair gaming environment or interfere with the normal operation of gaming services (for detecting piracy, scanning for cheats, and preventing cheating).
(5) To provide you with location-based gaming services (such as game performance area ranking, nearby friends, and nearby team building), we will collect your geographic location information (including your nearby Wi Fi, nearby base station ID, or CellID). Geographic location information belongs to sensitive personal information. Refusing to provide this information will only result in you being unable to use the corresponding location game functions, but it will not affect your normal use of other game functions.
Please note that individual device information and log information cannot identify the identity of a specific natural person. If we combine this type of information with other information to identify a specific natural person's identity, or use it in combination with personal information, during the combined use period, this type of information will be considered personal information. We will anonymize and de identify this type of personal information, unless authorized by you or otherwise required by laws and regulations. This type of information will be processed and protected as your personal information in accordance with this policy during its combined use.
7. Personalized services based on telephone management. When you enable device phone management permissions and use our microphone voice service, we may view and read information about the number your device is dialing and the call being terminated, so that you can determine whether you need to mute the audio in the client to ensure call functionality. Please be aware that even if you have agreed to enable management phone permissions, we will only read your number information when you actively use the voice function in the client. This information is sensitive and refusing to provide it will only prevent you from using the client's audio for mute processing related functions.
8. During the process of providing services, we may require you to grant the following device permissions. You can also choose to disable some or all permissions at any time in the device's settings function, thereby refusing us to collect the corresponding personal information. The way permissions are displayed and closed may vary among different devices. Please refer to the instructions or guidelines provided by the device and system developers for details.
9 Permissions:
(1) Read and write storage permissions; The purpose is to read or cache files, log files. Can be closed on its own
(2) Access location information; To achieve risk control function, it is necessary to access your device information. Can be closed on its own
(3) Read the status and identity of the phone; To achieve risk control function, it is necessary to access your device information. Can be closed on its own
(4) Microphone permissions; Used for instant messaging purposes. Can be closed on its own
(5) Manage phone permissions; The purpose is to handle audio muting in instant messaging and requires access to your device information. Can be closed on its own
(6) Camera permissions and album permissions; The purpose is to upload avatars, send images (depending on the specific function you use), and access your device information. Can be closed on its own
(7) Modify or delete the content of your SD card; The purpose is to save images to an album and requires access to your device information. Can be closed on its own
2、 How do we use cookies and similar technologies
When you use our services, we store small data files on your computer or mobile device, which may be cookies, FlashCookies, or other local storage provided by your browser or associated applications (collectively referred to as "Cookies"). If you do not want your personal information to be saved in cookies, you can configure your browser and choose to disable the cookie function. After disabling the cookie function, it may affect your access to our platform or prevent you from fully accessing the services provided by the company. The company will not use cookies for any purpose other than those stated in this policy. We use cookies and similar technologies mainly to achieve the following functions or services:
1. Ensure the safe and efficient operation of products and services
2. Help you get a more relaxed access experience
3、 How do we share and publicly disclose your personal information
(1) Sharing
You understand and agree that we will ensure that the data recipient cannot re identify the personal information subject and provide it to third parties through sharing. We may share your personal information with any company, organization, or individual outside of our company in the following situations:
1. Sharing with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will share your personal information with other parties.
2. We may share your personal information with the public in accordance with laws and regulations or mandatory requirements from government regulatory authorities.
3. Within the scope required or permitted by law, it is necessary to provide your personal information to third parties in order to protect the interests, property, or safety of the company, its users, or the general public from harm.
4. Sharing with our affiliated companies: Your personal information may be shared with our affiliated companies. We will only share necessary personal information and are bound by the purposes stated in this agreement. If affiliated companies want to change the purpose of processing personal information, they will seek your authorization and consent again.
5. Sharing with authorized partners: In order to provide you with more comprehensive and high-quality products and services, we may entrust authorized partners or use third-party SDK related technologies to provide services for you or perform functions on our behalf.
At present, our authorization information includes the following content:
(1) Implementing shared information for functions or services
a. Geographic Location Services: When you use location-related services, we will share device location information with location service providers through SDK or related technologies to reflect location results to you. The content includes IP information, GPS information, WLAN access points, and base station sensor information. GPS information is personal sensitive information. Refusal to provide it will only affect the geographic location service function, but will not affect the normal use of other functions.
b. Payment function: The payment function is provided to you by a third-party payment institution that cooperates with us. Third party payment institutions may need to collect your name, bank card type and number, validity period, and mobile phone number. Bank card number, expiration date, and mobile phone number are personal sensitive information that is necessary for the payment function. Refusing to provide them will result in you being unable to use the function, but it will not affect the normal use of other functions.
(3) Public disclosure
We will only publicly disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:
1. After obtaining your explicit consent;
2. We may disclose personal information about you in accordance with laws and regulations, legal procedures, litigation, or mandatory requirements from government authorities, or in cases of serious violations of company agreements and rules, or to protect the personal and property safety of users or the public from infringement.
4、 How do we store personal information
The personal information we collect and generate within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China and will not be transmitted across borders.
We will only retain your personal information for the period necessary for the purpose of providing the company and services. During the period when your account has not been revoked, deleted, or cancelled, we will retain the relevant information. After the necessary deadline, we will delete or anonymize your personal information, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.
After your personal information exceeds the retention period, we will delete it or anonymize it.
5、 How do we protect your personal information
(1) Security measures
We will take reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information. For example, we use SSL/hash to encrypt and protect your data.
(2) Other security measures we have taken to protect information
We manage the storage and use of standardized information by establishing a data classification and grading system, data security management standards, and data security development standards.
(3) We only allow our employees who need to know this information to access your information, and require all personnel who may have access to your information to fulfill corresponding confidentiality obligations. If these obligations are not fulfilled, legal responsibility may be pursued or the cooperation relationship with our company may be suspended.
(4) We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that unrelated personal information is not collected. We will only retain your personal information for a necessary and reasonable period of time, unless the retention period needs to be extended or permitted by law.
(5) The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and e-mail, instant messaging, and communication methods with other users of our company are not encrypted. We strongly recommend that you do not send personal information through such methods. Please use complex passwords to assist us in ensuring the security of your account.
(6) The Internet environment is not 100% secure. We will try our best to ensure or guarantee the security of any information you send us. If our physical, technological, or management protective facilities are damaged, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction of information, which damages your legitimate rights and interests, we will bear corresponding legal responsibilities.
(7) In the event of an unfortunate personal information security incident, we will take necessary measures to prevent the security incident from escalating and inform you in the form of push notifications, emails, etc. When it is difficult to inform the personal information subject one by one, we will take reasonable and effective measures to publish announcements. At the same time, we will also report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with regulatory requirements.
6、 Manage your personal information
1. Information management
You can access, modify, and delete the registration information and other personal information you provide while using our services, or you can contact us according to the notification guidelines. The scope and methods of accessing, modifying, and deleting personal information will depend on the specific services you use. We will do everything possible to take appropriate technical measures to ensure the accuracy of the personal information collected about you and ensure timely updates.
2. Account cancellation
You can submit an account cancellation application on the corresponding page by yourself.
Cancellation method: You can apply for cancellation by visiting the account at the bottom of our official website link and following the instructions.
After you voluntarily cancel your account, the company will stop providing you with products or services, delete your personal information as soon as possible, or anonymize it.
3. Change the scope of your authorized consent
You can change the scope of authorization you have agreed to through the following channels:
(1) Contact customer service on the official website.
7、 Minors clause
Any minor participating in online activities should obtain the consent of their parents or legal guardians in advance. We will protect the relevant information of minors and implement relevant restrictions in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.
8、 This agreement may be subject to change
Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce your rights under this agreement. We will publish any changes made to this agreement on this page.
For significant changes, we will also provide more significant notifications. If you do not agree with the changed content, you can choose to stop using our services; If you continue to use our services, you agree to be bound by the revised agreement.
9、 How to contact us
If you have any complaints, reports, questions, opinions or suggestions regarding this privacy policy or your personal information, you can contact us via email Contact the official operations team of Doomsday Warrior. Generally, we will respond to your questions, opinions, or suggestions within fifteen working days after receiving them.