Tri-eye Game User License and Service Agreement

The formation, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China, excluding the application of any conflict of laws.

This Agreement is entered into in Guangzhou. In the event of any dispute between the parties regarding the content of this Agreement or its implementation (including but not limited to contract or other property rights disputes), the parties shall first seek to resolve the issue through amicable negotiations; should negotiations fail, both parties agree to submit the dispute to the jurisdiction of the People's People's Court of Guangzhou.

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this Agreement or Tri-eye game services, you can contact Tri-eye customer service, and we will provide you with the necessary assistance.

Important Notice:
I. This "Tri-eye Game User License and Service Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is a legal contract between you, the user (hereinafter also referred to as "user" or "player"), and the Guangzhou Tri-eye Game Studio. Once the user clicks to agree, it signifies that both parties have reached a consensus on the Agreement, which has legal effect.
II. Before using the gaming software provided by Tri-eye (hereinafter also referred to as "Tri-eye Game") and related services (hereinafter also referred to as "Tri-eye Game Services"), Tri-eye particularly reminds users to carefully read all the terms of this Agreement, especially the terms that exempt or limit the liability of Tri-eye (these terms usually contain words such as "not liable for any", "no obligation", "no guarantee", etc.), terms that limit user's rights (these terms usually contain words such as "may not", "should not", "no right", etc.), and terms concerning applicable law and dispute resolution. Such disclaimers, restrictions or dispute resolution terms are typically highlighted in red or bold text. Please confirm that the aforementioned terms merely represent Tri-eye's declaration of the rights and obligations of the parties to the agreement and do not constitute "unreasonably exempting or reducing its responsibilities, increasing the responsibilities of the counterparty, restricting the main rights of the counterparty or excluding the main rights of the counterparty" as stipulated under Article 497 of the "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China", and will be applied to the maximum extent permitted by the laws of the People's Republic of China.
III. If the user disagrees with any term of this Agreement, they should not install, use the Tri-eye gaming software, or use the Tri-eye game services. Once the user clicks "accept" and installs the Tri-eye gaming software, or registers, begins to use and/or continues to use the Tri-eye game services, it will be deemed that the user agrees and accepts all terms of this Agreement. After this point, the user shall not be entitled to raise any defensive argument based on not reading or not agreeing to the contents of this Agreement.
IV. During the period of acceptance of Tri-eye game services, the user has the right to supervise whether Tri-eye and its staff provide services to users according to the standards announced by the official Tri-eye. Users can also make suggestions and comments on Tri-eye's products and services at any time.
If the user is under 18 years old or lacks full civil conduct capacity, the Agreement should be read in the presence of a guardian. Only when the guardian agrees to the user's use of the Tri-eye game services and all terms of this Agreement, may the user use the Tri-eye game services provided by Tri-eye.

Article 1 Definitions and Explanations
Unless stated otherwise, the following terms have the meanings specified:
1. Tri-eye refers to the provider of Tri-eye game services, i.e., Guangzhou Tri-eye Game Studio. Guangzhou Tri-eye Game Studio may provide you with Tri-eye game services through its own website platform, its partner’s website platforms, or authorized third-party website platforms.
2. You, also referred to as "player" or "user". This refers to a natural person who has obtained a non-commercial license from Tri-eye through legal channels, thus being authorized to install, use Tri-eye gaming software, or accept Tri-eye game services.
3. Tri-eye Game: Refers to the collective name for the games provided and/or operated by Tri-eye, including but not limited to computer client games, web games, HTML5 games (H5 games), mobile terminal games, and other games that can be operated on different operating systems and terminal devices; Tri-eye games may be provided in the form of software, in which case, Tri-eye games also include the related software and documentation, as well as updates, upgrades, patches, expansion packs related to the aforementioned game products, and may include relevant network servers, websites (including but not limited to the official websites or official WeChat accounts of the aforementioned game products), electronic media, printed materials, or electronic documents, etc.
4. Terminal Equipment: The device used to install, use Tri-eye game, including but not limited to mobile phones, tablets, computers, mobile smart devices, home game consoles, customer equipment, wireless routers, operating systems, and other necessary software, hardware, or internet access devices.
5. Tri-eye Game Services: Refers to the various operational services related to the aforementioned Tri-eye games provided to you by Tri-eye and/or Tri-eye authorized operators, including the Tri-eye gaming software itself.
6. Virtual Currency: Refers to a kind of virtual item, such as Moonstone, designed by Tri-eye to meet the normal entertainment needs of players. Obtained through legal payment methods such as RMB exchange, it can be used in exchange for the right to use various types of game virtual items or value-added services designated in the game, and is only available for use within specific games.
7. Game Rules: Refers to the user code of conduct, player regulations, game announcements, tips, and notifications etc., that are published and revised from time to time by the provider of Tri-eye game services.

Article 2 Intellectual Property Statement
1. Tri-eye is the intellectual property right holder of the Tri-eye games, and/or has obtained lawful authorization from the legitimate right holders, thus being entitled to provide you with Tri-eye games, and/or Tri-eye game services. All intellectual property rights related to the Tri-eye games (including but not limited to the entirety of Tri-eye games and all the contents, components, or elements involved in the Tri-eye games) such as copyright, trademark rights, patent rights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights and the legal right to operate the said Tri-eye games, as well as all information contents related to the Tri-eye games (including but not limited to text, images, audio, video, graphics, interface design, page framework, related data or electronic document, etc.) are protected by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and the international treaties that China has joined and signed. Tri-eye owns the aforementioned intellectual property rights and legal benefits, except for the rights that relevant rights holders should enjoy according to the laws of the People's Republic of China.
2. Without the prior written consent of Tri-eye, you may not use any part of Tri-eye games (including but not limited to the entirety of Tri-eye games and all the contents, components, or elements involved in the Tri-eye games) for commercial purposes.
3. Despite any other provision in this Agreement, you shall not take the following actions (whether for profit or non-profit) without the prior written consent of Tri-eye:
(i) Copying, recording, decompiling, disassembling, spreading, and displaying the entirety or part of the content of the Tri-eye game software, manuals, and other graphic and audio-visual materials, or performing reverse engineering on any function or program of the Tri-eye game software;
(ii) Publicly displaying and broadcasting the entirety or part of the content of the Tri-eye game and/or Tri-eye game services;
(iii) Renting, selling the Tri-eye games, and/or using Tri-eye games for any commercial or non-commercial behavior;
(iv) Modifying or covering the service names, company logos, trademarks (or) copyright information, other intellectual property statements, etc., on the program, images, animations, packaging, and manuals of the Tri-eye games;
(v) Other behaviors that violate trademark law, copyright law, computer software protection regulations, relevant laws and regulations, any applicable international treaties.
4. Prohibition of actions that compromise the security of network services, including but not limited to:
(i) In any form, violating the principle of honesty and credibility, directly or indirectly adopting the means of organizing, instigating, stealing, possessing, using, picking up, purchasing, reselling, etc., infringing on any third party's right to use the account, character, virtual currency, virtual item, virtual prop, and other rights;
(ii) Actively or passively assisting others in infringing on third-party rights;
(iii) Prohibition of users engaging in irrelevant behaviors with Tri-eye game services, including but not limited to:
a. Using the network service system for any illegal purpose and for anything that is not directly related to the services or products offered by Tri-eye games; including but not limited to buying and selling accounts, characters, virtual currency, virtual items, virtual properties, promoting gambling, illegal lotteries, etc.;
b. Accessing or attempting to access any accounts, computers or networks related to Tri-eye game services without authorization from Tri-eye games;
c. Using the services related to Tri-eye games without authorization to collect any other user's information, including but not limited to personal identification information and communication information;
d. Downloading, installing, or using any other network services or products that have not been authorized, developed, and officially released by Tri-eye games;
e. Receiving or downloading any materials illegally transmitted by other Tri-eye game users;
f. Using the services related to Tri-eye games for any behavior that could have a detrimental effect on the normal operation of the Internet, including but not limited to transmitting files containing computer viruses, destructive programs, or any other software or programs that may have a detrimental effect on others' computers or the normal operation of the Internet;
g. Transmitting any harassing, slanderous, abusive, intimidating, vulgar, obscene, or any other illegal information or materials through the services related to Tri-eye games;
h. Conducting any behavior detrimental to Tri-eye games through the services related to Tri-eye games;
i. Using the service system provided by Tri-eye games for any acts of money laundering, prepaid card cash-out, buying and selling illegally obtained virtual currency, and other illegal acts;
j. Inquiring about services, products, and business in connection with Tri-eye games and commercial partners should be conducted through the communication channels provided by the corresponding institutions. Do not publish negative publicity about Tri-eye games and related services in public venues.

Article 3 Charges Policy
1. Tri-eye has the right to determine the charging method and tariff standard for Tri-eye games and Tri-eye game services. Tri-eye has the right to determine different charging methods and tariff standards for Tri-eye games and Tri-eye game services at different stages, and Tri-eye has the right to adjust the charging methods or tariff standards as needed at any time.
The specific charging methods and tariff standards, including but not limited to the charging standards for Tri-eye games, the use rights of virtual items in the games, and the specific charging standards for value-added services (if any), are promulgated by Tri-eye on Steam or other publishing channels, in-game item stores, item purchase interfaces, and other game modules in the form generally used in the online gaming industry.
Users are obligated to carefully read the items before making a choice. Once the user decides to download the paid Tri-eye games, purchase the related virtual item usage rights, or accept the related services, it indicates that the user has fully understood and accepted the corresponding charging methods and tariff standards.
2. Tri-eye has the right to establish, add, modify value-added services and issue virtual currency in the game as needed.
Virtual currency is obtained through RMB exchange and other legal payment methods, and once RMB is converted into virtual currency, it is considered used, and virtual currency cannot be exchanged back into RMB; virtual currency is used for purchasing the right to use related virtual items or accepting related value-added services.
In cases where purchasing the right to use virtual items or accepting other value-added services is charged, if the period of valid use of the virtual item or the valid service period of the value-added service (regardless of whether the user has actually used or enjoyed the service) is exceeded, or the valid usage or service times are exceeded, Tri-eye has the right to take measures to cancel the user's right to use the virtual items or stop providing value-added services.

Article 4 Game Virtual Items
1. Game virtual items (or simply referred to as "virtual items") include but are not limited to game characters, resources, props (including but not limited to weapons, mounts, pets, equipment in the game, etc.), the ownership of which belongs to Tri-eye, and users can only use them within the scope afforded by legal provisions and game rules.
2. For various virtual items in the game, if there is no special identification on the usage period, it defaults that the user can use them continuously after obtaining the right to use them until the relevant Tri-eye game services terminate; if there is a special identification on the usage period, the usage period with the special identification shall prevail, and if the usage period is exceeded, Tri-eye has the right to revoke their usage right at any time without notice (this usage period once started does not stop or pause due to any reason).

Article 5 User Account Registration, Use, and Management
1. The Use and Protection of User Accounts
(i) Tri-eye has the right to take reasonable technical and administrative measures to ensure the security and validity of user accounts; you are obliged to properly safeguard your user account and password, and use your account and password correctly and securely. Any party failing to perform the obligations mentioned above, causing the loss of the user account password, user account theft, and other situations that cause damage to your or others' civil rights or interests, shall bear the legal responsibility that arises from the resulting damage.
(ii) You enjoy the rights and bear the responsibility for the behaviors generated by your user account according to the law.
(iii) Once it is found that the user account or password is illegally used by others or abnormal usage situations have occurred, based on the handling method published by the account service provider, you should proceed with the processing in a timely manner, and you have the right to notify Tri-eye promptly to take measures to suspend the login and usage of the said user account.
(iv) If a user fails to log into the game for 365 consecutive days, starting from the 24th hour of the 365th day, Tri-eye has the right to take measures to delete the user account and any records of the user account in the game database (including but not limited to character, level, virtual items, virtual currency, etc. data information), and the data information deleted cannot be restored.
2. You understand and agree that you must not provide your registered Tri-eye account or other accounts approved by Tri-eye to third parties for use in any manner, including but not limited to transferring, renting, or lending it to third parties for use. Otherwise, the legal consequences and responsibilities arising therefrom shall be borne by you, and Tri-eye has the right to impose one or more of the handling measures stipulated in Article Fifteen based on your game account, and all consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by you.

Article 6 Tri-eye’s Obligations
1. Tri-eye agrees to provide Tri-eye game services to users through the network or other forms according to the provisions of this Agreement.
2. Tri-eye maintains the recharging records of user virtual currency according to the time limit specified by law.

Article 7 User's Obligations
1. Users shall arrange for the necessary equipment required for the installation, use, operation of the Tri-eye games or receiving Tri-eye game services, that is, the terminal equipment.
2. Users are responsible for telecommunications fees, internet usage, and other expenses related to their internet access.
3. Abide by this Agreement, other relevant rules and system provisions (including but not limited to the "Tri-eye Game User License and Service Agreement" and other agreements, user rules, player regulations, game rules, game announcements, and notifications published and revised from time to time by Tri-eye on its official website, the game’s official website, the official WeChat account, or within the game); abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China (if the user is outside the territory of the People's Republic of China, they should also abide by the laws of the hosting or residing country or region).
4. Users should fully understand and agree that they must be responsible for all actions under their game account, including but not limited to any content published and all consequences that arise.
5. In addition to the right to use the Tri-eye game services granted by this Agreement, users shall not perform any infringing actions on the intellectual property or rights of Tri-eye, nor perform any other actions harmful to the legal rights of Tri-eye or third parties.
6. In the course of using Tri-eye game services, users should abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the hosting or residing place and respect the local morals and customs. If your behavior violates local laws and regulations or morals and customs, you should bear the responsibility independently.
7. Users should avoid involving Tri-eye in political and public events, or else Tri-eye has the right to suspend, discontinue, or terminate the services for you. At the same time, Tri-eye has the right to immediately stop providing all or part of the services to all Tri-eye passport accounts registered by you, and you must independently bear all responsibilities for this.

Article 8 Improper Gaming Behavior
1. Users shall bear the responsibility for the content they publish themselves. In particular, users must not post the following content:
(i) Against the basic principles established by the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China;
(ii) Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;
(iii) Damaging the honor and interests of the state;
(iv) Inciting national hatred or discrimination, undermining national unity;
(v) Undermining the state's religious policies, advocating heresy and feudal superstitions;
(vi) Spreading rumors, disturbing social order, and undermining social stability;
(vii) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror, or encouraging crime;
(viii) Insulting or slandering others and infringing on the legal rights of others;
(ix) Advocating or encouraging the use of cheats, private servers, and Trojan horses related content;
(x) Posting any unreasonable or unapproved software, files within, homepage addresses, or links with illegal content by Tri-eye;
(xi) Containing other content prohibited by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China.
2. Users must not use improper means or other unfair methods to use Tri-eye games, Tri-eye game services, or participate in Tri-eye game activities. Unless permitted by the laws of the People’s Republic of China or with prior written permission from Tri-eye, users must not engage in the following actions:
(i) Deleting information about copyrights and other intellectual property on the game software and its copies;
(ii) Performing reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or in another method attempting to discover the software code (including but not limited to the software source code);
(iii) Scanning, probing, testing the game software to detect, discover or find potential bugs or weaknesses;
(iv) Copying, modifying, adding, deleting, running or creating any derivative works regarding data released into any terminal memory during the operation of the software, data from interactions between client and server during the software operation, and system data necessary for software operation;
(v) Modifying or falsifying commands and data during software operation, increasing, reducing, changing the functionality or operational effects of the software, or distributing software designed for such purposes to the public, regardless of whether those activities were done for profit-making purposes;
(vi) Using third-party software, plug-ins, cheat programs, systems not developed, authorized by Tri-eye Game, or creating, publishing, and spreading third party software, plug-ins, cheat programs, systems that are not developed or authorized by Tri-eye;
(vii) Using content within Tri-eye Games over which Tri-eye has intellectual property rights or interests, such as using, renting, lending, copying, modifying, linking, reprinting, compiling, publishing, or establishing mirror sites etc.;
(viii) Establishing mirror sites related to Tri-eye Game, or capturing website (net) images, or by setting up servers, to provide services similar or equivalent to those offered by Tri-eye Game to others;
(ix) Separating any part of Tri-eye Game to use individually, or using it in other ways that do not comply with this Agreement;
(x) Using, modifying or covering the name of Tri-eye Game, trademarks, or other intellectual property;
(xi) Any other conduct not explicitly authorized in writing by Tri-eye.

User shall not interfere with Tri-eye’s normal provision of software and services, including but not limited to: attacking, intruding Tri-eye’s website servers or causing server overload; cracking, modifying the software programs provided by Tri-eye Games; attacking, intruding Tri-eye’s game servers/game server-side programs or causing game server overload; creating, publishing, spreading, or using any forms of aides or programs (including but not limited to "cheats") that hinder game fairness; utilizing any means due to programming errors or bugs to disrupt the normal gameplay or spread the error or bug; irrationally interfering or obstructing others from using software and services provided by Tri-eye; by abnormal or unlawful means use Tri-eye's software (including but not limited to logging into game private servers using Tri-eye game software); using abnormal methods to log into the game (including but not limited to using third-party software, systems not developed, authorized, or recognized by Tri-eye to log into the game), using network accelerators and other cheat software or robot programs, or other malicious acts that destroy service facilities and disrupt service order; altering, translating, annotating, organizing, compiling, derivative works for Tri-eye Game software; utilizing the software or online game system potentially due to technical faults or vulnerabilities to profit (including but not limited to copying of game virtual items) or other misconducts, etc.

Users agree that the monitoring data contained in the game program, as well as the gameplay shown in the game, will be used as criteria for determining whether the user has been cheating through programs such as cheat tools.

Article 10 Disclaimer

Tri-eye Game Service is provided to you “as is”, without any form of express or implied warranty. Tri-eye specifically disclaims any implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement, to the fullest extent permitted by law. Tri-eye does not guarantee that the Tri-eye Game Service will be error-free or uninterrupted, that defects will be corrected, or that the service or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components.

Under no circumstances shall Tri-eye be liable for any loss incurred due to force majeure while using Tri-eye Game Services. Such force majeure events include, but are not limited to, changes in national laws, regulations, government orders, or other events that are unpredictable, unavoidable, and insurmountable, such as earthquakes, floods, snowstorms, fires, tsunamis, typhoons, strikes, wars, etc.

Tri-eye reserves the right to change, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Tri-eye Game Service at any time, including the availability of any feature of the Tri-eye Game Service, without notice but except as required by applicable law or agreement. If due to your behavior that violates legal regulations or the provisions of this Agreement, Tri-eye terminates, suspends your use of any Tri-eye Game Service according to the relevant provisions, Tri-eye shall not bear any responsibility to you, and has the right to require you to take responsibility.

Tri-eye Game may due to software bugs, update defects, third-party virus attacks, or any other factors lead to data anomalies in your game character, game items, game equipment, and game currency, etc. Tri-eye has the right to temporarily freeze the game account during the investigation of the cause of the anomaly; if it is confirmed that the data anomaly is due to non-normal gameplay behavior, Tri-eye has the right to revert game account data to the original state before the anomaly occurred (including but not limited to recovery of transferred data from a third party), and Tri-eye is not responsible for any related losses.

Tri-eye does not authorize the obtaining of game accounts, game items, game equipment, game currency, etc., from any third party through purchase, gift acceptance, or other methods, and Tri-eye is not responsible for such third-party transactions and will not handle disputes arising from any third-party transactions.

You fully understand that any third-party advertisements, links, or other forms of promotional content involved in the Tri-eye Game Service are provided by their own providers, and you should judge their authenticity. Tri-eye does not make any explicit or implied guarantees regarding their promotional content.

You fully understand that due to the objective circumstances that different operating systems (such as Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS) cannot be interoperable, which is not caused by Tri-eye, this may lead to your recharge and game data in one operating system cannot be successfully transferred to another operating system. The risk of recharge loss and game data loss caused by your switching between different systems should be borne by yourself, and you shall not require Tri-eye to bear any responsibility.

You fully understand that Tri-eye Game may set up mandatory combat areas or gameplay. If you disagree with mandatory combat, please do not enter the game or game area; your entry will be considered as agreeing to the gameplay and accepting the corresponding consequences.

Article 11 Interruption, Suspension and Termination of Services

Interruption and Termination of User Services
(i) Users who post illegal information, seriously violate public order and good customs, and other behaviors that violate prohibitive provisions, are subject to immediate termination of services by Tri-eye.
(ii) Users who commit improper behavior while receiving Tri-eye services will be terminated by Tri-eye. The specific situations of this improper behavior should be explicitly agreed upon in this Agreement or belong to prohibited behaviors notified by Tri-eye in advance that will result in service termination, otherwise, Tri-eye shall not terminate the user's services.
(iii) Users who commit behaviors that violate the provisions of this Agreement, Tri-eye has the right to suspend or terminate to provide part or all services to the user; when Tri-eye takes suspension measures, it should notify the user and inform the suspension period, the suspension period is subject to Tri-eye’s consideration based on related circumstances (if the statutory suspension period has other stipulations, these stipulations apply), and upon the expiration of the suspension period Tri-eye should promptly restore services to the user.
(iv) When Tri-eye suspends or terminates the provision of part or all services for the user according to clauses (i), (ii), or (iii) of this section, Tri-eye bears the burden of proof.

Interruption, Suspension and Termination of Game Server Operations
(i) Tri-eye needs to perform regular or emergency maintenance on the game servers to ensure normal operation. In the event of normal service interruption or suspension due to such circumstances, please understand, and Tri-eye will strive to limit the interruption time as short as possible.
In the occurrence of any of the following circumstances, Tri-eye reserves the right to terminate or interrupt all or part of the services provided by the game server without bearing any responsibility for the inconveniences or damages to users or third parties:
① Routine inspection or construction, software and hardware updates, during which Tri-eye has the right to suspend services, with the aim to complete maintenance and updates as soon as possible;
② When the game server is damaged and unable to operate normally;
③ Sudden software, hardware equipment, and electronic communication equipment failures;
④ Failures in the provider’s lines or other faults;
⑤ In emergency situations according to legal provisions or for the personal safety of users and third parties;
⑥ Third party factors or other force majeure circumstances.

Article 12 Special Notice for the Combat System (If Applicable)
Specific Tri-eye game services may include a combat system where users can freely compete against one another. For such Tri-eye game services that include a combat system, once you click “accept” and install the respective Tri-eye game, or register, begin to use and/or continue to use the respective Tri-eye game or Tri-eye game services, it will be considered that you agree with all the free combat actions in the game combat system and agree to abide by the rules of free combat.

Article 13 Types and Definitions of Punishments
Unless otherwise stipulated in the Agreement, if you violate the provisions of this Agreement, you may suffer one or several of the following punishments:
(i) Warning: A warning serves as an educational measure for players who violate game rules, and it is part of normal game management.
(ii) Mute: Disabling part or all chat channels for rule-violating players, forcing the suspension of the online dialogue function of player user accounts, making it impossible for players to converse with other players until the punishment expires or is canceled.
(iii) Temporary Freeze of Game Internal Part of or All Functions: Restricting the game characters of rule-violating players, limiting specific gaming operations until the punishment expires or is canceled.
(iv) Permanent Freeze of Game Internal Part of or All Functions: Restricting the game characters of rule-violating players, limiting specific gaming operations, and permanently not releasing or revoking the restrictions.
(v) Temporary Ban on Login: User accounts of rule-violating players will be temporarily unable to log in to use one or several of Tri-eye games for a certain period until the punishment expires or is canceled.
(vi) Permanent Ban on Login: User accounts of rule-violating players will be permanently unable to log in to use Tri-eye game services.
(vii) Forced Offline: Forcing rule-violating players to leave the current game, terminating the execution of the player's current game program.
(viii) Account Suspension: Suspension or permanent cessation of the right for rule-violating players to log into Tri-eye game services using their game accounts.
(ix) Deletion of Files: Deletion of game world character files of rule-violating players, preventing the character from appearing in the game world again.
(x) Legal Responsibility: Rule-violating players who behave inappropriately towards others or Tri-eye causing damage or contradicting applicable legal stipulations, must bear the corresponding civil, administrative, or criminal responsibilities according to the law.
(xi) Dissolution of Organizations: Disbanding organizations established by players in the game.
(xii) Mandatory Nickname Change: Forcing the name change of the game character or team established by players.
(xiii) Temporary Restriction on Game Behavior: User accounts of rule-violating players will be temporarily restricted from using part or all game services for a certain period.
(xiv) Other Punitive Measures: Including but not limited to confiscation of unjust gains (such as virtual game items obtained through improper channels), deduction of points (including but not limited to experience points), deletion of community posts, blocking community accounts, suspension, interruption or termination of services, etc.

Article 14 In-Game Anti-Harassment Processing Rules
Tri-eye advocates that players are responsible for their words and actions, and to game civilly and healthily. If players display any of the following behaviors mentioned in this article, they will be punished according to the provisions in this article.

Impersonating System: In the game, there may be some players who impersonate the system to spread or transmit false information to other players. Depending on the circumstance, you may be subject to one or more of the following punishments: warning; mute; temporary freeze of in-game part of or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part of or all functions; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on login.
Illegal Websites: In order to maintain the cleanliness and harmony in the game world, anyone promoting illegal websites will be subject to one or more of the following punishments depending on the situation: warning; mute; temporary freeze of in-game part of or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part of or all functions; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on login.
Indecent Behaviors: In the game, any behaviors that spread or transmit indecent information through various means will likely be subject to one or more of the following punishments: warning; mute; temporary freeze of in-game part of or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part of or all functions; forced offline; temporary ban on login.
Spamming Advertisements: Massive dissemination of identical, similar phrases, or content devoid of substantive significance, as well as any information unrelated to the in-game situation (including but not limited to spamming), or publishing, spreading any information that undermines or maliciously attacks the in-game or Tri-eye services or other false information, will likely be subject to one or more of the following punishments: warning; mute; temporary freeze of in-game part of or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part of or all functions; forced offline; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on login.
Regional Separation: In the game, any behavior that causes regional conflicts through various means or channels will probably be subject to one or more of the following punishments: warning; mute; temporary freeze of in-game part of or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part of or all functions; forced offline; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on Login.
Contraband Drugs or Behaviors: In the game, any behavior involving contraband drugs will probably be subject to one or more of the following punishments: warning; mute; temporary freeze of in-game part of or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part of or all functions; forced offline; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on login.
Real-Life Information and Personal Attacks, Threats, and Insults: Any behavior in the game involving any direct relationship with the game world of violence (including but not limited to verbal violence, such as personal attacks, insults, threats, etc.), and the disclosure of other players' or Tri-eye employees’ information in game world and real life, depending on the situation could result in one or more of the following punishments: mute; forced offline; temporary freeze of in-game part of or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part of or all functions; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on login; forced offline; account suspension; deletion of files; legal responsibility.
Promotion or Use of Trojan Horses, Cheats, Viruses, etc.: In the game, any behavior of spreading or transmitting, using Trojan horses, cheats, viruses, etc., will probably be subject to one or more of the following punishments: mute; temporary freeze of in-game part of or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part of or all functions; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on login; forced offline; account suspension; deletion of files; legal responsibility.
Promoting Power Leveling: In the game, any behavior of spreading or transmitting power leveling information could be subject to one or more of the following punishments: mute; temporary freeze of in-game part of or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part of or all functions; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on login; forced offline; account suspension; deletion of files.
Promoting or Conducting Offline Transactions: Users can only trade virtual game items within the game or through trading platforms provided or approved by Tri-eye (if available). For any behavior related to recharging or conducting other transactions on any platform not previously approved by Tri-eye (including but not limited to users recharging or purchasing virtual items within the game through a third party), Tri-eye will be strictly investigated and punished. If confirmed, Tri-eye has the right to take various measures according to the specific situation, including but not limited to the following one or several: warning, deduction of values, temporary freeze or retrieval of game virtual items, temporary freeze of part or all game functions, permanent freeze of part or all game functions, forced offline, temporary ban on login, permanent ban on login, account suspension, deletion of files, and other technical measures to prevent users from engaging in such behaviors; in severe cases, Tri-eye reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility of the user.
Promoting or Publishing Illegal Information, Seriously Violating Social Order and Good Customs: Anyone who spreads or participates in gambling in the game, promotes heresy, etc., will be subjected to one or several of the following punishments: warning; mute; forced offline; temporary freeze of in-game part of or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part of or all functions; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on login; deletion of files; legal responsibility.
Other Harassment Behaviors: Besides the aforementioned situations in this article, if players are involved in other behaviors that do not comply with legal regulations, social morality, or game rules, they may be subjected to one or more of the following punishments depending on the situation: warning; mute; temporary freeze of part of or all game functions; permanent freeze of part of or all game functions; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on login; forced offline; account suspension; deletion of files; legal responsibility.

Article 15 Game Customer Service Personnel (hereinafter referred to as "Customer Service") Interaction Management Rules
1. During the game process, players may communicate with customer service for various reasons. Tri-eye will provide official customer service contact methods to facilitate communication between players and customer service. If there are issues within the game, players can submit their problems through customer service contact methods officially announced by Tri-eye, and customer service will provide players with prompt and quality service.
2. It is hoped that the communication between customer service and players will be helpful for the players, but players must comply with relevant regulations. Tri-eye will deal seriously with the following behaviors:
(1) Impersonating the system or customer service: In the game, some players may impersonate the system or customer service. If discovered, you can report to customer service through the customer service contact methods officially announced by Tri-eye and assist in verification. Once verified, Tri-eye will take severe punitive measures.
(2) Deceiving or attempting to deceive customer service: In the game, players should not attempt to misuse Tri-eye's trust by engaging in deceptive behavior or attempting to deceive customer service. If discovered, Tri-eye will impose severe punishments on such players. Attempting to deceive customer service includes but is not limited to misleading customer service, refusing to provide information, providing false information, and any attempts to "scam" customer service.
(3) Violating or ignoring instructions from customer service: In the game, to ensure the common interests of most players and to maintain the normal order of the game, customer service may prompt players to perform certain actions or to stop certain actions, and any behavior that disregards or obstructs this work may result in punishment for the player's game character. Therefore, players should maintain a cooperative attitude.
(4) Interfering with customer service work: In the game, if the following behaviors occur, Tri-eye will take severe punitive measures: ① Asking customer service for any virtual game items (including but not limited to game resources, equipment, etc.); ② Frequently calling customer service or sending requests without substantive content; ③ Repeatedly sending requests for help to customer service for issues that have been resolved or answered.
(5) Insulting or maliciously attacking customer service: In the game, any behavior that insults or maliciously attacks customer service is not allowed. If discovered, Tri-eye will take severe punitive measures.
(6) Disrupting the game order: Threatening or inciting other players to engage in abnormal game content behaviors (including but not limited to screen spamming in the world channel, etc.).
3. If a player is found to violate any item in section 2 of this article, depending on the situation, the player may be subject to one or more of the following punishments: warning; mute; temporary freeze of in-game part or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part or all functions; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on login; forced offline; account suspension; deletion of files; temporary service interruption; legal responsibility.
Players who log into the game with a partner account recognized by Tri-eye, if they encounter situations such as forgetting or losing a password, should contact the entity providing the account registration service (that is, the Tri-eye recognized partner) for processing as soon as possible.
Friendly reminder: Any customer service and Tri-eye staff will not ask for account passwords, security codes, or other information in the game. Players should be aware to identify and avoid unnecessary losses.

Article 16 Naming Management Rules
Although character nicknames and organization names established by players can be named by the players themselves, to maintain the cleanliness and harmony in the game world, Tri-eye does not allow names that include but are not limited to those related to race/religion, national politics, national leaders, obscene/vulgar content, defamation/threats, religious figures, staff, offensive, defamatory, potentially misleading, contraband drugs or other content that violates laws and regulations or public order and good customs.
If the aforementioned situations are discovered, rule-violating players may be subject to one or several of the following punishments based on the situation: warning; mute; temporary freeze of in-game part or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part or all functions; forced offline; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on login; mandatory nickname change; disbanding of organization.

Article 17 Game Bug and Third-Party Software Handling Rules
1. Game bugs refer to loopholes or unreasonable phenomena in game systems, programs, settings, etc. Players have the obligation to report to customer service any bugs encountered in the game. It is strictly forbidden for players to directly or indirectly exploit game bugs, program vulnerabilities, etc., to profit or disrupt the game order, or to use bugs or vulnerabilities for personal purposes. If players engage in such behaviors, once verified, they may be subject to one or several of the following punitive measures: confiscation of unjust benefits obtained by players through gaming with bugs; deduction of values (including but not limited to experience points); forced offline; temporary freeze of in-game part or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part or all functions; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on login; deletion of files; legal responsibility.
2. Unauthorized third-party software refers to any file or program that can be used to gain an advantage in the game but is not part of the respective Tri-eye game software, including cheating-related cheat programs and related auxiliary cheat programs (including but not limited to automated upgrades, leveling up, picking up items, completing tasks, accelerated nature or other operations beyond the game set range). If the use of cheating-related cheats and related auxiliary cheat programs are discovered, we will take severe punitive measures, including but not limited to: confiscation of unjust benefits obtained by players through third-party software usage; deduction of values (including but not limited to experience points); temporary freeze of in-game part or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part or all functions; forced offline; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on login; deletion of files; legal responsibility for the player.
Any external third-party software used alongside Tri-eye game software can have adverse effects on the game. Using external applications can mainly result in choppy data transmission, leading to frequent player disconnections or game hangs. External application software may also infect players' terminal devices (including but not limited to mobile phones, tablets) with viruses, spyware, and other obscure programs. Third-party software may also steal players' information stored in terminal devices (including but not limited to account numbers, passwords, and other personal information).

Article 18 Account Theft and Related Behavior Handling Rules
To ensure players can enjoy the gaming experience and safeguard their legitimate interests, Tri-eye will take strict actions and penalties against account theft and related behaviors (including but not limited to the theft of user accounts, game data, player personal information, helping thieves operate and transfer game virtual items, etc.). Once verified as true or upon request by the authorities, Tri-eye has the right to take measures according to the specific situation, including but not limited to temporary restriction of gaming behaviors, retrieval of game virtual items, temporary ban on login, permanent ban on login, account suspension, deletion of files, etc. In severe cases, Tri-eye reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility of the involved players.
Although you may not have actively participated in account theft, if you received game virtual items which were obtained by others through account theft and then gifted, sold, transferred or allocated to you, in order to protect the rights of stolen players and fair and equitable game order, Tri-eye has the right to retrieve the game virtual items you acquired. During the verification process for player theft incidents, to expedite investigation and handling, Tri-eye may ask related players to assist in the investigation, including but not limited to banning login for investigation, online communication, offline communication, etc.

Article 19 In-Game Fraudulent Behavior Handling Rules
Fraudulent behavior in the game refers to the purpose of illegally possessing, by means of false promises, fabricating facts, concealing the truth, deliberately misleading, impersonating others, deliberately confusing, and other means, deceiving others' game virtual items or other properties. In-game fraudulent behaviors include nickname similarity fraud, impersonating friends, impersonating officials, and other forms. If a player engages in fraud within the game, we will take various measures based on the player's fraudulent circumstances, including but not limited to one or several of the following: retrieval of game virtual items; deduction of values (including but not limited to experience points); temporary freeze of in-game part or all functions; permanent freeze of in-game part or all functions; forced offline; temporary ban on login; permanent ban on login.
Although you may not have actively participated in fraud, if you received game virtual items which were obtained by others through fraudulent means and then gifted, sold, transferred or allocated to you, in order to protect the rights of the deceived players and fair and equitable game order, Tri-eye has the right to retrieve the game virtual items you received.

Article 20 Rules for Handling Improper Behavior Related to Recharging
1. Strict ban on third-party proxy recharging: Users can only recharge in-game or through trading platforms recognized by Tri-eye (if available). For any behavior related to recharging on any platforms not previously recognized by Tri-eye (including but not limited to users who recharge through third parties like Taobao), Tri-eye will take strict actions and penalties. Once verified as true, Tri-eye has the right to take various measures according to the specific situation, including but not limited to one or several of the following: warning, deduction of points, temporary freeze or retrieval of game virtual items, temporary freeze of part or all game functions, permanent freeze of part or all defaultManager.translate(Internal.HtmlToPlaintext( text)), forced offline, temporary ban on login, permanent ban on login, account suspension, deletion of files, and other technical measures to prevent such user behavior; in severe cases, Tri-eye reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility of the user.
2. Strict ban on dishonest recharges: After successfully recharging for Tri-eye game services and obtaining virtual item usage rights or value-added services (collectively referred to as "recharge benefits"), if users have any misunderstandings, dissatisfaction, suggestions, or other demands against Tri-eye game services, they can notify Tri-eye at any time through the customer service contact methods officially announced by Tri-eye. If the user does not choose this method but performs a refund operation, they should immediately notify Tri-eye through the customer service contact methods officially announced by Tri-eye to deduct the corresponding recharge benefits. If the user performs a refund operation but still possesses the recharge service, it constitutes dishonest behavior, and Tri-eye will take strict actions and penalties, including but not limited to one or several of the following: warning, deduction of points, temporary freeze or retrieval of game virtual items or value-added services, temporary freeze of part or all game functions, permanent freeze of part or all game functions, forced offline, account suspension, deletion of files, and other technical measures to prevent such user behavior; in severe cases, Tri-eye reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility of the user (including but not limited to civil liability, criminal liability).

Article 21 Rules for Handling Data Anomalies
If Tri-eye discovers user data anomalies or the existence of illegal or other improper behaviors ("other improper behaviors" include but are not limited to using bugs or non-standard game ways to enhance game character data, character rankings within the game, etc.), Tri-eye has the right to investigate and take corresponding measures, including but not limited to taking one or several of the following measures simultaneously: (1) deletion of game virtual items; (2) confiscation of improper benefits; (3) data rollback or zeroing; (4) mute; (5) temporary ban on login; (6) permanent ban on login; (7) temporary isolation; (8) permanent isolation; (9) forced offline; (10) account suspension; (11) account deletion, etc. Users do not have the right to require Tri-eye to bear any responsibility for this.

Article 22 Rules for Handling Unjust Profit-Making Behaviors
Users understand and agree that Tri-eye provides Tri-eye game services to let users experience the rich and colorful game content, not to use Tri-eye game services to make money or profit in the real world. Users who mainly trade and profit in the game without the purpose of experiencing game content may damage the fairness or balance of the in-game economic system, thereby negatively affecting other users' game experience and the game itself. Thus, users promise not to engage in game behavior or trade virtual items for profit, and any situation where game behavior or trading virtual items for profit purposes will be regarded as seeking unjust benefits, including but not limited to users:
(1) Registering multiple user accounts and/or game character IDs for profit-making purposes;
(2) Engaging in single or serial production play within the game and selling the obtained virtual items for profit;
(3) Using the value difference of virtual items between different servers to buy and sell virtual items profitably;
(4) Acting as an intermediary for game account and virtual item transactions and charging fees for profit;
(5) Trading user accounts or virtual items on transaction platforms not provided or recognized by Tri-eye for profit;
(6) Using virtual items obtained in the game for sales for profit without focusing on the enhancement of their character's strength, wherein the character's multiple skills, training, equipment, etc., significantly differ from the character level;
(7) Using game behavior and game content to organize or participate in gambling, commit or participate in stealing other people's property or virtual items, and other behaviors that are suspected of criminal activity;
(8) Any other in-game profit-oriented behavior that is not intended for normal gaming entertainment interaction.
Tri-eye has the right to take the following measures simultaneously for users who seek unjust benefits: For all user accounts involved in seeking unjust benefits (including but not limited to accounts that obtain, transfer, sell game virtual items), taking measures such as point deduction, retrieval of game virtual items, temporary freeze of part or all game functions, permanent freeze of part or all game functions, forced offline, temporary isolation, permanent isolation, account suspension, deletion of files, and other technical measures to prevent users from engaging in such behaviors; in severe cases, Tri-eye reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility of the users.

Article 23 Character Protection Rules
If you report that a character has been stolen, encountered hacker behavior, or other abnormal situations, or if Tri-eye finds your character has signs of being stolen, shared, or misused, or other abnormalities, to avoid your game character and game virtual items from being illegally infringed, Tri-eye will investigate your character and, depending on the circumstances. During the investigation period, Tri-eye will take protective measures for your character (including but not limited to temporarily freezing the character). Please submit relevant materials according to Tri-eye's guidance to cooperate with Tri-eye's investigation so that the protective measures for your character can be lifted as soon as possible.

Article 24 Game Screen Utilization Rules
Without prior written permission from Tri-eye, you may not publicly display, copy, transmit, or play any part or all of the game screens in the Tri-eye game services through third-party software. Otherwise, Tri-eye has the right to take various measures based on your breach of contract, including but not limited to one or more of the following, and Tri-eye reserves the right to pursue your legal responsibility further: temporary ban on login, forced offline, account suspension.

Article 25 Damage Compensation
If your in-game rule-breaking behavior causes damage to Tri-eye or a third party, you should bear the corresponding legal responsibilities. And for damages to Tri-eye, Tri-eye has the right to take any reasonable action, including but not limited to retrieval of game virtual items, etc.; Tri-eye also has the right to recover the loss amount from you and require you to bear Tri-eye’s reasonable recovery costs.

Article 26 Force Majeure
Tri-eye is not responsible for losses caused by force majeure. The force majeure referred to in this agreement includes: natural disasters, changes in laws, regulations, or government directives, due to the unique nature of network services, such as the failure of domestic and foreign basic telecommunications operators, defects in computer, terminal devices, or internet-related technology, restrictions on internet coverage, computer terminal device viruses, hacker attacks, etc., and any other unforeseeable, unavoidable, and insurmountable objective circumstances within the legal scope.

Article 27 Links and Advertising Information
All links provided by Tri-eye on its official website, the game's official website, the game's official WeChat public account, and within the game may link to other individuals, companies, or organizations' websites. The purpose of providing these websites is to facilitate users to search for or obtain relevant information independently. Tri-eye does not guarantee the authenticity, integrity, timeliness, or credibility of the products, services, or information provided by the linked individuals, companies, or organizations’ websites. There is no employment, commission, agency, partnership, or other similar relationship between these individuals, companies, or organizations and Tri-eye.
Commercial advertisements or other promotional activity information may be published by Tri-eye on its game's official website, the game's official WeChat public account, or within the game. Such advertisements or promotional activity information is provided by advertisers or commercial service providers, who bear the corresponding responsibility, and Tri-eye only serves as a medium for publishing the content. The transactions of goods or services purchased by users through these linked websites or advertisements only exist between the user and the provider of the goods or services, not related to Tri-eye, and Tri-eye shall not bear any legal responsibility for any transaction between the user and the provider of goods or services, which users should pay special attention to.

Article 28 Information Storage and Security and Limitations of Service
Tri-eye will strive to maintain the security and convenience of the services provided under this agreement, but will not be responsible for the deletion or storage failure of information in the services (including but not limited to information posted by users). Tri-eye reserves the right to determine whether the user's behavior complies with the provisions of this Agreement. If the user violates the provisions of this Agreement, Tri-eye has the right to suspend, interrupt, or terminate the provision of services to the user according to this Agreement.

Article 29 Amendment and Effectiveness of the Agreement
Tri-eye has the right to modify the terms of this Agreement when necessary and will notify users on the relevant pages. Users can view the latest version of the Agreement terms on the Tri-eye official page and/or the Tri-eye game official page, and are requested to periodically check for updates. After the amendment of the Agreement terms, if users continue to log in to the games or use the services involved in this Agreement, it will be deemed that the user has accepted the amended Agreement; if the user does not accept the amended Agreement, they should cease using the Tri-eye game services.

Article 30 Game Data
Any data information generated and stored in Tri-eye servers during user participation in the game, including but not limited to account data information, character data information, level and virtual item data information (excluding personal identity data information such as the user's name, ID number, phone number, etc.), are part of the game software and are owned and managed by Tri-eye. Users have the right to modify, transfer, and abandon data information under their user account through legitimate channels based on adherence to the game rules.

Article 31 Notifications
All notifications sent by Tri-eye to users can be transmitted through various forms, including but not limited to announcements on important pages of the Tri-eye official website, within the game, the game's official website, or the game's official WeChat public account, emails, or regular phone calls, mobile phones, QQ, WeChat, letters, etc.

Article 32 Use of User Information
Users hereby agree and authorize Tri-eye to collect user information for the purpose of fulfilling this Agreement. This information includes the information provided in the real-name registration system, game data under your game account, and other information provided by you to Tri-eye or collected by Tri-eye based on considerations of security, user experience optimization, and more during the use of Tri-eye gaming services. The use of your user information by Tri-eye will comply with the terms of this Agreement and relevant legal regulations.

Furthermore, users hereby agree that Tri-eye or its cooperating third parties may use the user information provided and collected as mentioned in this article, to provide you with various information related to Tri-eye games, and/or other products or services of Tri-eye through SMS, telephone, email, and other means, including but not limited to activity information, promotional information, etc.

Article 33 Intellectual Property and Authorization of Content Provided by Users
Tri-eye respects intellectual property rights and takes care to protect the rights that users possess. In the Tri-eye gaming services, you may need to provide content to Tri-eye through various means such as uploading and publishing. In this regard, you still retain the complete intellectual property rights of such content.

Hereby you specifically agree that, concurrently with providing the aforementioned content, you irrevocably grant Tri-eye and its affiliates a global, permanent, free license, permitting Tri-eye and its affiliates to use, disseminate, copy, modify, re-license, translate, publish, perform, and display such content, as well as to create derivative works from such content.

Article 34 Other Provisions
To avoid disputes, in matters related to data and technology referred to in this Agreement, users agree to regard data stored in Tri-eye servers as the standard for judgment. Tri-eye guarantees the authenticity of such data.

The headings of all articles in this Agreement are for convenience of reading only and have no actual meaning and should not serve as the basis for interpretation of this Agreement and related terms.

If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the other provisions of this Agreement shall still remain valid and enforceable.

Any rights not exercised, not exercised timely, or not fully exercised by Tri-eye under this Agreement or as provided by law shall not be deemed a waiver of such rights by Tri-eye nor shall it affect Tri-eye's exercise of those rights in the future.

Tri-eye reserves the right to modify, supplement, delete, and update the terms of this Agreement.

Tri-eye Game Studio

Update Date: November 27, 2023
Effective Date of Latest Version: November 27, 2023